Top Gear

The Mondeo does look better.

Although the Mazda would probably be the quicker - being Turbocharged it would certainly feel the quicker.
In the program they concluded the Mazda was better.
The only downside was the grille.
I would have the Mazda, if I had to pick one. But I don't, so I shalln't be getting one.
that under steer was shocking on that vauxhall!

dreadful chassis with a too heavy front end!

luton must have been like OMG here we go on....

lipstick on a pig n all that!!
The WHOLE of top gear is fixed IMO. Hasn't everyone notied that they run the cars around the lap and then, only afterwards does Knobson annouces the lap time. if it was real they would have the timer running as the car went around - they just make it all up - but my kids think its funny, and occasionally I agree.

Obviously the fire and the crash were staged and the folks 'held up' on the road could just as easily have been BBc staff - its just a sitcom with 3 types of nobhead and some cars for scenery. The 'news' bit i s the part that really annoys me as they try and pretend they are ad-libbing. Oh, and the obsequious interview with the celeb' who is there to promote their latest film/play/song/book career update - yuk
slider said:
The WHOLE of top gear is fixed IMO. Hasn't everyone notied that they run the cars around the lap and then, only afterwards does Knobson annouces the lap time. if it was real they would have the timer running as the car went around - they just make it all up - but my kids think its funny, and occasionally I agree.

Obviously the fire and the crash were staged and the folks 'held up' on the road could just as easily have been BBc staff - its just a sitcom with 3 types of nobhead and some cars for scenery. The 'news' bit i s the part that really annoys me as they try and pretend they are ad-libbing. Oh, and the obsequious interview with the celeb' who is there to promote their latest film/play/song/book career update - yuk

Don't you think it would be very easy for the editing team to add a clock to the bottom of the screen so that it stops at exactly the same time Clarkson is going to announce when it crosses the line ?? I don't get why you think just because you do not see the time it is some sort of fix.

I really love top gear but i'd rather watch the repeats they show on sky than watch the crap they are showing in this series.

There is nothing that they have shown ( so far) that is remotley exciting or entertaining, and yes i agree too much is too obviously fixed.

When are they gonna show the 997 TT, 599 ferrari etc ! :confused:


I taped last weeks and this...

But I started watching last weeks but VBH was taking old people round in a track....:wall

SO haven't seen the rest...
slider said:
The WHOLE of top gear is fixed IMO. Hasn't everyone notied that they run the cars around the lap and then, only afterwards does Knobson annouces the lap time. if it was real they would have the timer running as the car went around
Not so! The film you see isn't necessarily all of the Stig's quick lap. He does more than one lap in a car! Therefore, they edit together elements from his various laps so they look good for TV and then the time is announced. The only way to have a stop watch going would be a fix because the peice needs editing for the different cameras and they would then have to sinc the stop watch to the editing. That would take more time and cost more.

It's strange how people come up with the most unbelievable conspiracy theories when the truth is normally so simple!
Simonextreme said:
Not so! The film you see isn't necessarily all of the Stig's quick lap. He does more than one lap in a car! Therefore, they edit together elements from his various laps so they look good for TV and then the time is announced. The only way to have a stop watch going would be a fix because the peice needs editing for the different cameras and they would then have to sinc the stop watch to the editing. That would take more time and cost more.

It's strange how people come up with the most unbelievable conspiracy theories when the truth is normally so simple!

Hmm, not sure what you are disagreeing with here (aggressively, as ever), If it IS a stitched together clip and they dont announce it as such then that in my book is deceptive. If they are already being deceptive what's to stop them making up any old time they feel like? After all they dont seem to be the most objective of folk - "cool wall" for example...

They dont even have a seperate wall of times for wet and for dry conditions, the result of this is that very fast cars can end up right down the list (ok with a 'w' against the time but so what) in amongst the hot hatches - not exactly scientific.

Added to this that the 'stig' can be a different bloke every week and that they take no account of other variables such as tyres and track temperature and to my mind the show's figures are not to be taken at all seriously.
I am disagreeing with you and your comment that its a fix. In particular, you stated "they just make it all up", refering to the times around the track. I simply cannot accept that and there is no reason why they should. Have you ever been to the filming and seen it done? I haven't, but I know many who have and nobody has ever made such a suggestion before.

The times are genuine but how scientific they are is not even up for debate. They are the best time achieved of a few laps. However, all it does is give the time on the day. So what? its a TV show and its entertainment but it gives some degree of relativity.

I am sorry if you thought I was being agressive. I guess that is just the way you read it as it wasn't intended to be. You should see agressive;)
Simonextreme said:
I am disagreeing with you and your comment that its a fix. In particular, you stated "they just make it all up", refering to the times around the track. I simply cannot accept that and there is no reason why they should. Have you ever been to the filming and seen it done? I haven't, but I know many who have and nobody has ever made such a suggestion before.

A friend of mine is one of the Directors of Top Gear and also Directs some of Clarksons DVDs (He also owns a Cayman!). I haven't spoken to him for a while, but when I last asked him (trying to find out who the Stig was) he assured me that despite the creative licence they use in some of the film clips, setting the actual lap times is a serious process.

Clearly since they're set in different conditions using different Stigs then it's not worth comparing them, but they do try to drive each car as quickly as they can at the time.
I think it's a good rough estimate...and only that...and it's not bad...good TV...