I think Im going mad!

There is a big difference between Take That and Steps... Steps *WERE* shit, Take That *ARE* shit ;) Don't make me laugh about 'Mark wrote his own songs' .. no he never, he had a ghost writer to do it for him (I trust you know what a ghost writer is ?? - they are prevailent in the music industry). And as far as him being 'successful' , might that be to do with the fact he was the one all the girls voted 'Sexiest Boy' in the Smash (s)Hits Awards every year ?

Take That are bubble-gum pop - they were and are talentless. Their whole career was based on them being pin-ups rather than musicians.

The fact they have not faded into the background is because (and they should be SO thankful for this), they just happen to have some seriously good publicists and managers propping their sorry arses up.

Having said all I have - good for them though. They've made the most of what they haven't got, made many deaf women and girls very happy along the way too, and sit on good bank balances out of it.


(Now, do you give up now ?? :p )
Take That ARE talented. A damn site more than you by the looks of it seeing as all you can do is sit around all day critisisng others for making something of themselves and making many people happy.
Sorry to mention this Dave, but Dave actually likes one of the songs off the album Beautiful World. And another person on here (I shall mention no names as I promised) was caught in his office humming the new Take That single Shine! So if they only appeal to "deaf women and girls" then why do 2 grown men (that I know of) like their stuff?
So until you can do as good as them or better, then keep your opinions to yourself and stop p**sing off a hormonal pregnant woman.
There is a big difference between Take That and Steps... Steps *WERE* shit, Take That *ARE* shit ;) Don't make me laugh about 'Mark wrote his own songs' .. no he never, he had a ghost writer to do it for him (I trust you know what a ghost writer is ?? - they are prevailent in the music industry). And as far as him being 'successful' , might that be to do with the fact he was the one all the girls voted 'Sexiest Boy' in the Smash (s)Hits Awards every year ?

Take That are bubble-gum pop - they were and are talentless. Their whole career was based on them being pin-ups rather than musicians.

The fact they have not faded into the background is because (and they should be SO thankful for this), they just happen to have some seriously good publicists and managers propping their sorry arses up.

Having said all I have - good for them though. They've made the most of what they haven't got, made many deaf women and girls very happy along the way too, and sit on good bank balances out of it.


(Now, do you give up now ?? :p )

Your poor mother is turning in here grave:evil:
I can't believe you are arguing about this.
Who cares, people can like and dislike who them want.

The public persona of all these people is carefully managed and is manipulated by the press. I neither know nor care what any of them are like in real life. I also neither know nor care whether any of them have any ability.
They are in entertainment, and this has nothing to do with talent or ability, just down to management, positioning, and finding an audience that buys into what you are selling.

Variety is what makes the world interesting. You need the bad to make you appreciate the good.
Latent homosexuality ? :evil: :evil:

Well do you reckon that Dave, soon to be father of 5, is gay?
And the other guy on here isnt either, Im sure! If you knew who it was, you would not say he was gay.
(I promised I shall not say so I wont so dont even ask)
Sorry if that sounded abit narky, Im not p**sed at you Dave, just pregnant, hormonal and worked up thanks to james!

Why not focus your energy on getting worked up about what is REALLY important in life instead of 4 talentless losers, though ? I'm winding you up because I find the triviality so amusing :evil:

Well do you reckon that Dave, soon to be father of 5, is gay?
And the other guy on here isnt either, Im sure! If you knew who it was, you would not say he was gay.
(I promised I shall not say so I wont so dont even ask)

I know who the other guy is and he IS gay. He touched my bottom once :eek:

Why not save your energy, forego the stress, don't get worked up and have a nice cup of tea.

I have learnt it isn't worth getting worked up about things.
Why not save your energy, forego the stress, don't get worked up and have a nice cup of tea.

I have learnt it isn't worth getting worked up about things.

Cheers Stuart. I am a bit touchy about TT (but if you think Im bad, you obviously havent met my friend. She would literally have bitten some of you guys balls off for some of the comments:eek: !)
Im getting calm. I realise James is just winding me up - doing a good job of it too you b*****d!:finger
Im ok. Im not gonna rant anymore - no matter what you guys say.
I like them, you guys dont (except for Dave and this other guy - and no Daz its not you!) thats fair enough. We can all agree to disagree Im sure!
Anyway. Im going to see take that! And Im having a baby! So all is good. And now I have regained my composure, all is well again.:)