
Daily Smoker
Hi All,

I am racing my own 2011 GT3 CUP car RING ready in the VLN series this year and the 24hr!!

The driver(s) I had lined up for this weekend have dropped out due to family things at very short notice!!

Unless I can obtain suitable drivers for this first race this weekend I will need to pull out and not race!!

Is anybody here interested in racing with me this weekend at the ring in my car?? I tested my car last Saturday at the official VLN test day
and it was ........ AWSOME and then some!!!!

Please email me on marshall_scott@hotmail.com for details if you are interested, thanks....... :o:):tu:D:yeah:

All the best,

I've really got to get my self over to the ring to learn it. Ready for when these drive's crop up. Good luck finding someone mate. I'd say give the Leonards a call.
I've forwarded your email to a friend (Einar Thorsen) who is looking for a seat, as his drive for this weekend fell through.
I would be all over that (had a good finish last VLN I did) but I'm racing in monza this weekend! I hope you get it sorted and let us know how you get on please. P.s. if your ever short a driver at late notice let me know can normaly chip in too but I'll only drive an insured car ;)