BDM Audi S3 Endurance Race car project

We have been busy stripping and fitting the FIA cage so I thought I would posta few progress pictures...


At Safety Devices...


A few pictures of the shell which has now been finished and painted...

Front bulkhead with removable panel for turbo access-


raised sliding pedal box platform and gear shift mount-


Rear cage and lightening-



Side view-


triangulation on front top mounts-

Hi Mark, do you have an FIA certificate for the cage ?

Hi Mate,
Yes its an FIA cage. Pain though because its a lot of tube (heavy)!
I can remember all the hassle a lot of teams had at Barcelona last year with cage certificates and specs. Was a nightmare...
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Hi Mark, Are you still planning on running this at Barcelona this year?? Some late nights ahead if you are i guess.:eek:

Hi Martin,
Unlikely now as we have just been so busy with the GT3's. There is no point going and not being fully prepared, shame though. Plan now is to have it ready for the last round of Dutch Supercar for its first race. We are now entering Dubai with the car instead as we need to be fully prepared to do it properly :tu
Just keeping the thread updated with some progress for those interested...

We have been busy installing the no2 test motor to mock up gearshift cables etc. Subframes are now fitted.



The bulkhead panel works well. We are wondering if we should fit a glass panel :tu



The plan with this race car is to keep it around the 360 bhp mark for endurance racing. However, this 550 BHP build we have in is giving me ideas I'm struggling to withstand. We love the anti surge compressor housing and new design twin plate clutch kit from Spec too :tu

Just keeping the thread updated with some progress for those interested...

We have been busy installing the no2 test motor to mock up gearshift cables etc. Subframes are now fitted.

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The bulkhead panel works well. We are wondering if we should fit a glass panel :tu

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The plan with this race car is to keep it around the 360 bhp mark for endurance racing. However, this 550 BHP build we have in is giving me ideas I'm struggling to withstand. We love the anti surge compressor housing and new design twin plate clutch kit from Spec too :tu

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Thats how an engine should look!
Love it Mark. Have been looking at Golf R's and reckon whould have one next year sometime so may well be along :D