Warm welcome to Ben

Technically I’m a Bristol boy but I’ll forgive you as I’ve been here long enough now.

As Pete eluded to, I do like German cars and have been through quite a few over the past 30+ years.

Suspect that’s not an uncommon theme here.

Now what’s all this iRacing stuff about?

You’re from Brizzle? Me too!

Grew up in Redland, school in Stapleton. You?
I need to get involved.

Will carry out the requisite research and then ask some very basic questions (may just ask my 9 year old).

Full forum section here:

Helpful getting into IRacing thread here created by @Barry:

Hardware thread by @Housey here:

+ many more useful threads in the VR section

You basically need:
A steering wheel and pedals
an IRacing subscription + some cars and tracks
Discord app for chats and bants
Some time on a weds evening
A sense of humour

Oh Bugger - I wish I had not seen that - I now feel the need to 'play' <cough> mean get involved to

Do it mate, im still in the noob group and dont have spare brain to join in much of the chat but listening to it is top drawer.