Solo Channel Swim Attempt - Wish me luck!!!

Pete, I don't know what that is. Are you saying it's redness and swelling from water hitting you repeatedly? Is it on both wrists? If so, then possibly a mixture of bruising and tendonitis? If it's on one wrist only I would want to be sure it isn't infection. Not a jelly fish sting is it?
I'd see the doc, grab an urgent appointment by ringing them at 8.30. We do a walk in surgery up here in Northumberland, but that may not be convenient! :)
The done thing I'd to swim back to the boat with a pebble down your shorts!!! I think I'll pass on getting one of those fookers back!!!
Pete, I don't know what that is. Are you saying it's redness and swelling from water hitting you repeatedly? Is it on both wrists? If so, then possibly a mixture of bruising and tendonitis? If it's on one wrist only I would want to be sure it isn't infection. Not a jelly fish sting is it?
I'd see the doc, grab an urgent appointment by ringing them at 8.30. We do a walk in surgery up here in Northumberland, but that may not be convenient! :)

Thanks johnny. Yeah I think it's from repeated wrist bending forward. I'll go see. Thanks
If you can see a doc easily do it but wouldn't worry too much. Your body took a good beating yesterday. Just needs some proper rest.

Let the thought sink in and the pockets of pain heal: you'll soon realise what you've accomplished and while the pain will be gone and a distant memory, the feelings for what you have done and for Ben's memory will be with you forever :tu

WELL DONE!!! And stop referring to Channel swimmers in third person. You're one of them crazy fuckers :yeah:
Well done Pete, what a fantastic achievement. Utter madness, but a fantastic achievement non the less! I'm not surprised you feel battered, but I'm sure you'll fix up soon enough.
Bloody hell! Completely missed this thread at the bottom of the forum......

Massive well done and utter respect to you. :tu

I can only imagine how difficult that must have been- like you say the training was horrible as well. Donation on it way....

Many congrats..
Pete, bloody marvellous mate, what a great achievment, be proud, a lot of things can be taken off of you in this life, but not what you did...brilliant

ps did you get my mums baccy ???

No hand shandies for you for a while then. :D
Pete, if you have any real mates close to you, they should be popping into the local massage parlour and buying 2 w&nks, and coming back and giving you one of them ! :D
Pete, bloody marvellous mate, what a great achievment, be proud, a lot of things can be taken off of you in this life, but not what you did...brilliant

ps did you get my mums baccy ???

Pete, if you have any real mates close to you, they should be popping into the local massage parlour and buying 2 w&nks, and coming back and giving you one of them ! :D

Oh shoot!! I forgot the baccy!!! Terribly sorry, I wasn't gonna hang around of the rocks for long!!!

Lou's coming back from a week away with work. She missed the whole thing. :( I wonder if this was a good thing, it was all pretty miserable onboard for the last half!!

Body all fixed now. Just these stupid wrists. :(
I can only apologise to any readers of January's Outdoor Fitness magazine:

Wiggo, Lewis Moody, and a 6 page 'spread' on luckyP!!!! Lol!!

I thought they might give me a little 'shop nip and tuck!!! ;)
