Solo Channel Swim Attempt - Wish me luck!!!

From Twitter

30 mins ago

Pete 3.5 miles ahead of a relay team that started 30 mins before him..! Just under 7.5 miles to France and the landing point.


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Wouldn't his bodytemperature drop too low during this much time in the cold water? I know he's moving, but anyways I mean..
Wouldn't his bodytemperature drop too low during this much time in the cold water? I know he's moving, but anyways I mean..

Water temp is 15deg Anders, so I guess it's not such a risk? it's probably about the warmest time of the year to do this after the 'summer' has warmed the water up a bit
Ocean @ 15C vs Body @ +37C.......not for me, I just sit here behind my keyboard not complaining about anything today...
Please keep the support coming in we need to keep his spirits up as he is
struggling mentally at the moment.

We have 3 good cops playing off against 3 absolute horrible cops at
moment! :e is still going :-)
Just checked the tracking link, Absolutely incredible, Keep at it, looks like the finishing straight fast approaching. In total awe at you even attemping this & you are nearly there, most of its already done !!!!!!
Tell him he is nearer France than England so no use turning back now, he can't get in the boat there isn't enough room, plus he is all wet and slippery.

Dig deep and keep going!!!!! It's not far now
I am in total awe of this effort - been checking the live tracking all day. Truly brilliant

Come on Pete, close it out :tu