Solo Channel Swim Attempt - Wish me luck!!!

Aww...boys....that's fooking mental. Thank you so much. Rishie, Pete, Matt, Stuart, Tony - the lot of you!! Thanks.

Nothing like a bit of pressure..... :)
Honestly couldnt even consider this, Im scraed silly out of my depth & being short that dosent take a lot. Massive admiration for even attempting it, best of luck
Honestly couldnt even consider this, Im scraed silly out of my depth & being short that dosent take a lot. Massive admiration for even attempting it, best of luck

We could always do a PGT relay next year (or perhaps the year after) if anyone fancies it. 2hr stints each?
Amazing and for a great cause, well done that man.

There is a member on here who has done this swim - maybe he will pop up soon.
Best of luck with it! You'll be in very good hands with Neil Streeter.

I did it in 2010 and can assure anyone that it is ****ing freezing. But an awesome experience.

Will be following your progress! And nice picture with The General!
Very impressed.....and wow....we already have somebody else that has done it too, on here!!!

Good Luck! that is one hell of a thing to do!!

Best of luck with it! You'll be in very good hands with Neil Streeter.

I did it in 2010 and can assure anyone that it is ****ing freezing. But an awesome experience.

Will be following your progress! And nice picture with The General!

WOW!!! Amazing. Hats off to you sir..... Did you go with Neil?

I've just had both my support swimmers drop out due to work commitments!! Doh!!

Still - I have a couple of crew so lets hope they will tell me when I'm turning blue!!

Off to get some shut eye now.

Thanks all.

Best of luck with it! You'll be in very good hands with Neil Streeter.

I did it in 2010 and can assure anyone that it is ****ing freezing. But an awesome experience.

Will be following your progress! And nice picture with The General!

I've just seen your time..........GULP!! (12hrs 7 mins) V Fast!!!!!
I did a relay with Neil last year. Top chap. Good fun (but mostly for your support crew, as you'll be freezing your nuts in the water....)

I had his sister as my pilot, the Queen herself! And may have been her last swimmer as she retired at the end of the 2010 season.

Best of luck again. I know what you have gone through in Dover to train and have read about your motivation: you can do it! Hat's off to you as the temperature is 15.6C :eek: Stay safe... :thumbsup2:
The only thing more impressive than the feat itself is the training you've put in. Top marks Pete, threw a few quid into the kitty - truly great cause! Best of luck, will be following on Twitter.
Donation made!! What an amazing thing to do. The best of luck.
I've done open water swimming in a few triathlons................but with a nice warm wetsuit. You are a tough guy for doing this with no wetsuit.