Book corner.......

Alice R.

Boy Racer
Anyone read any of Ben Mezrich 's stuff ?

Read one on "Vacation" and just started another..............highly recommended.
Bought a paperback in HMV called "lions, donkeys and dinosaurs" by Lewis Page. Alice, it really is right up your street. Mis-management in the procurement of arms and the mess the Armed Forces are in due to total incompetence and in-fighting by everyone! BAe come in for very special vitriol.

Jolly good read!
Read a book some time back, think it was titled "men who stare at goats" or some such.... all about the american intelligence (!) and military's research into, shall we say, more "alternative" methods of espionage and combat..... like trying to kill a goat by stopping its heart with psychic powers, walking through walls ( thump! DOH!!!!:finger ) and a load of other old tosh......would be hilarious if it wasnt so disturbing.
I'll have a root around for it later and get the correct title.
Just about to read My Booky Wook by Russell Brand.

He is the funniest person I've come across for a while. I used to hate him, then happened on his radio show, and he is absolutely hilarious!
I'm reading 'Death of a Hero' by John Parker about Robert Nairac who was captured and killed by the IRA.....

Not quite sure I agree he was a hero...but anyway. I much prefer fact over fiction....Can't read any tom clancy stuff or the like at all...
Sgt Hall's book Sniper 1 is very good (if a little one sided - his crew are brilliant but end up fighting if not on ops) if you like war stuff. As I said before, Chris Hunter's book is okay, if a little the same! Interesting knowing people he is writing about...
Read Flat Out Flat Broke by Perry McCarthy last week.......good read, something tells me that the best stuff never got to print though.....:finger

Any of John Connollys stuff is well worth checking out too
I'm currently reading David Baldacci's 'Last Man Standing', after reading 'The Winner' and 'The Camel Club'. If you haven't already read any of his, I'd recommend him. :thumbup:

'The Winner' is about a man who fixes the Lottery in the US so a down-and-out can win it, though has various stipulations as to what the winner can do with the money.

'The Camel Club' is for the conspiracy theorists, again in America

'Last Man Standing', of which I am just under half way through, is about an FBI hostage team who all get killed in an ambush bar one, and how this one comes to terms with him being the only survivor, the insinuations and guilt placed upon him by others and his search for the truth behind the ambush
An Unquiet Mind - Kay Redfield Jamison, its an insight into the lives of people who live with bipolar affective disorder.
Sgt Hall's book Sniper 1 is very good (if a little one sided - his crew are brilliant but end up fighting if not on ops) if you like war stuff. As I said before, Chris Hunter's book is okay, if a little the same! Interesting knowing people he is writing about...

Thanks a lot for tip Nords. Made a couple of really well received presi's. Only one thing would have toppedthem and that would have been signed copies or a note for inside!!!!

I managed to track down a copy of "Sounds from another room" by Peter Horsley for my dad just in time for chrimbo........very very cool book.
James Clavels Tai Pan and Shogun are fantastic books. Tai Pan is simply the best book i have ever read. So well written and both true epics. The Tess Gerritsen's are nice turn pagers. Well written and very fluent. Getting through about one a day.
Thanks a lot for tip Nords. Made a couple of really well received presi's. Only one thing would have toppedthem and that would have been signed copies or a note for inside!!!!


I've been away from internet access for a month or two, I probably could get Chris pawprint on his books if reqd. I haven't actually met Sgt Hall.

Interesting how both (non-deliberately) interlink and (deliberately) mention Pte Beharry VC and how they were both almost there....

(now I have finished Chris' book!)
James Clavels Tai Pan and Shogun are fantastic books. Tai Pan is simply the best book i have ever read. So well written and both true epics. The Tess Gerritsen's are nice turn pagers. Well written and very fluent. Getting through about one a day.

There are a couple more books in that series Woppum, Noble House and King Rat IIRC, great series.:thumbup: