Website Revamp Suggestions?


Boy Racer
Our current website has served us well for the past few years but is looking a bit dated.

We're working on a new site to be launched shortly and wondered what you would like to see.

My main thing is more detail of the cars and photos that can be viewed larger, both of which are incorporated in the new site.

Any more views would be appreciated.
Yeah as brady says maybe just some bigger pics id like to see this a bit closer...!!!!

Jesus christ.........:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Get someone to design it.

KISS, something like the PH classifieds.

More info, better photos clickable thumbnails.

Don't go overboard with flash and shit.

and get the web designer to knock up a mobile/PDA friendly version as well with a simple script, so if it detects a phone browser it displays that page.
I agree with KISS. Flash is to be avoided since the search engines would have issues indexing your cars....

In fact, Keep It Simple was the brief from the last two car dealers I did sites for... :whistling: [was that subtle enough?]
I agree with KISS. Flash is to be avoided since the search engines would have issues in indexing your cars....

In fact, Keep It Simple was the brief from the last two car dealers I did sites for... :whistling: [was that subtle enough?]

Oooh do tell, what websites were they Maxine?:yeah:
I agree with KISS. Flash is to be avoided since the search engines would have issues indexing your cars....

In fact, Keep It Simple was the brief from the last two car dealers I did sites for... :whistling: [was that subtle enough?]

Not really, can you put that in bold :dontknow: :D
Well since you asked.... :D

Heres one. Its fully functioned but a basic design. Obviously Marks website would have a much classier branding... :D

Now that's exactly what i'm talking about, clickable photos and a good description.
Just needs a simple title on the car index page and it'd be perfect.

And full screen width too, but that's more of a fetish of mine, i'm not a massive fan of centre boxes. :yeah: :asskisser: