New website goes live and GFWilliams teams up with CambridgeAutogleam!

Trouble is....and please take this as praise....but as a punter, I'd only get to your header page and 'think' that I couldn't afford your services!!

You is almost too profeshnial!!

Which is...err...nice.:yeah:

So you want me to take worse pictures? :dontknow:

Do you not need an about us page? When your inviting a random off the Internet around to take pics of your super car it may help? I've met you and know your a ok but for those that haven't...

Certainly food for thought, thanks :)

I like it from a design point of view but from a coding point of view it isn't very good.

No search engine can read any of the text, it is generally considered bad practice to have text in images anyway for accessibility reasons:

You've populated the meta data suggesting you are interested in search engine traffic but the metadata isn't used by google for ranking so you are left with nothing for it to index.

Wouldn't take you long to redo the text and menus in text using pure html + css and it'd really be worth it in terms of getting traffic to the site. All IMO.

Edit to say move style info and javascript to separate docs too.

This is all very interesting. I don't really get any business from google, so it certainly needs to be improved. I'm not too clued up on CSS, but I do computer science at uni, so I may as well either learn it or find someone on my course who can help!

But how do you know that there are not more of your images out there ... TBH if they really want to use your photo then a little logo in the corner can easily be cropped or pasted over. Nice work on the site though

I've decided I'm going to add a watermark to the corner of all my photos :)

Definitely better

Thanks :)

I think you should think more on this and do more to protect your images. Also include a section on the site with details for licensing commercial and personal use. Have you also considered offering your images to companies like istockphoto etc and see if you can earn some royalties?

Nice entrance page but the site doesn't get the message across with regards to what your offering. IMO people should understand exactly what you do without having to read. Perhaps pictures of one of your shoots in action?

Thought about it a long time ago, but not really more recently. I reckon as I'm at a better level now I stand more of a chance of selling photos through stock.

Behind the scenes photos are going to be added at a later stage :)

Some very valid comments from other PGT'ers but I like it myself so only fine tuning me thinks. Well done. A good idea teaming up with Nathan too. His work is top draw it really is.

I will sort something this year for a few of my cars and bikes to be photographed by you George, tieing in with Nathan for their annual spit and polish also. I will try to think of some good backdrops.

Regarding commercial, I have an idea :idea:...........which I will speak to you about also.

Sounds good and Nathan is certainly a talented chap :tu

Speak to me about your idea :D

Hello Nick..

I think its George ;)


George, what about blurring the number plates for the site gallery rather than watermarking (which looks crap) or adding a logo to the shots (too easy to crop) or even making a flash animated slideshow which is harder to copy the image from, than a static jpeg or bitmap?

I personally always blur my reg plate if posting photos of any of my cars on the web.

I shall go through all the photos on the site and clear off the numberplates on all cars tomorrow.

I would go flash as it is better, but then Woppum couldn't view my website on his iWoe ;)

LOL, i'm getting old Nathan. Edited and sorry George.

No worries :haha:

sorry didn't see your text re travel, that said Maidenhead isnt far from Surrey!

Not too far, why, who has a 599?
I shall go through all the photos on the site and clear off the numberplates on all cars tomorrow.

Thinking more about this and there isn't really a need to remove the reg numbers from your shots. Will make them look a little odd without. :tu
Thinking more about this and there isn't really a need to remove the reg numbers from your shots. Will make them look a little odd without. :tu

I don't like blank numberplates, so would just change it to something similar. I could alternatively ps on a plate with the manufacturer logo...

Putting a different plate on would look odd too IMO and having the actual plate for the car gives it some realism rather than looking like a staged manufacturer photoshoot.
George can you fit some kind of banner graphic to the right of Services to offer:

I think that would finish the page off
Looking great....

I think I've found my new favourite

I REALLY don't like that shot, for the simple reason that if I were in the same position now I could do the shot 10x better. It's really hard to get time on a track though :(
It's not a bad shot, I like the composition but it just doesn't look right. The door is too reflective for my liking (its a photo of the car not the paint finish or its reflection) and the rear bumper has zero because you've blacked it out to hide the reflection of the camera and rig.