New Tech 9 Website is GO !!


Boy Racer
We have just launched our new website, lots of updating to work through, so please keep checking for latest products and information.

A large amount of flash is used for the massive quantity of images that we need to display, so the site is not fully compatible on i-phones, but hopefully someone produces an app soon, that will allow it to work :rolleyes:
Very nice.

Nicely ordered and indexed.

Good resource for parts and you have priced everything (that I looked at quickly) which is refreshing.
I think you've shot yourself in the foot there to be honest, there is nothing I've seen so far looking at a couple of pages that can't be done with javascript and would work on all platforms. Flash has a place but should be used where appropriate.

Design is nice though.
I think you've shot yourself in the foot there to be honest, there is nothing I've seen so far looking at a couple of pages that can't be done with javascript and would work on all platforms. Flash has a place but should be used where appropriate.

Design is nice though.

guys, thanks for the feedback

I know the site works OK on a Mac, what about Ipad, can anyone check for me ?

I was told that most users will disable javascript to prevent pop-ups, so guess I will have to talk to the web design company for a solution, as I agree it needs to work on iphone.

Any suggestions as to how to implement ?, could there be a pop-up window when you first log-in to detect which browser platform you are using ?
guys, thanks for the feedback

I know the site works OK on a Mac, what about Ipad, can anyone check for me ?

I was told that most users will disable javascript to prevent pop-ups, so guess I will have to talk to the web design company for a solution, as I agree it needs to work on iphone.

Any suggestions as to how to implement ?, could there be a pop-up window when you first log-in to detect which browser platform you are using ?

Flash will not work on an iPad or an iPhone.
So on my iPad I had a big blank area.
I think you've shot yourself in the foot there to be honest, there is nothing I've seen so far looking at a couple of pages that can't be done with javascript and would work on all platforms. Flash has a place but should be used where appropriate.

Design is nice though.


I spoke with my web designer, we discussed various options for Iphone/Ipad integration, one of our main issues is the flash animation of gallery images, currently we have a template that is easy for us to upload images, he told me in Javascript it could not have this functionality and would have to be coded.
Do you know of a solution for this ?

thanks in advance

Phil - site looks great but as mentioned above really needs to work on ipad and iphone these days or you are ignoring a big chunk of your market
Looks great!

Just have am iPhone/iPad version of the site that loads when the devices access it, lots of websites do this.

Oh and we finished 3rd in Spa 24 hours, not 2nd:D
Looks great!

Just have am iPhone/iPad version of the site that loads when the devices access it, lots of websites do this.

Oh and we finished 3rd in Spa 24 hours, not 2nd:D

oops, will edit !

Ipad/Iphone version is not as easy as it sounds according to my web designer, unfortunately I know two fifths of one fifth of Sweet FA about websites, so have to take advice on the matter. The problem is, its taken us 18 months to get to this stage, and when we originally designed it, Iphone platform was not as common as now, and everyone considered Apple would integrate flash.
We are resigning the homepage it will lose the interactive model functionality, the issue we have is the amount of images we use, and how to load them into the site easily, and still retain the functionality...:dontknow:
Nice looking site, but with regard to Javascript, it sounds like your web chappy is fluent in Flash and knows less about Javascript :)

You could replicate almost all the behaviour of the site in Javascript and for anyone familiar with javascript, it wouldn't be too much of a challenge. Then it would 'just work' on an iPad, iPhone and all manner of devices.

That's the trouble with technology - you're always at the mercy of your techy bloke and his favourite language/tools. Then when you launch it, all the know-it-all-harry-enfield-geeks come along and tell you that you didn't want to do it like that... :)
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Nice looking site, but with regard to Javascript, it sounds like your web chappy is fluent in Flash and knows less about Javascript :)

You could replicate almost all the behaviour of the site in Javascript and for anyone familiar with javascript, it wouldn't be too much of a challenge. Then it would 'just work' on an iPad, iPhone and all manner of devices.

That's the trouble with technology - you're always at the mercy of your techy bloke and his favourite language/tools. Then when you launch it, all the know-it-all-harry-enfield-geeks come along and tell you that you didn't want to do it like that... :)

+1 :tu
Or get a less 'flash' (if you'll excuse the pun) set of pages built in java that have a big 'iPad people over here button' on the home page? A real pain to have to update twice, but the real costs are the initial ones?
Bear in mind that iPhone, iPad penetration isn't enormous as a proportion of browsing traffic. It would be worth looking at your logs to see how much of a problem it is and then you can spend your money appropriately. On my sites, mobile usage ranges between 5 and 10% of traffic.

Don't go down the two versions route - that's just unnecessary expense.
Bear in mind that iPhone, iPad penetration isn't enormous as a proportion of browsing traffic. It would be worth looking at your logs to see how much of a problem it is and then you can spend your money appropriately. On my sites, mobile usage ranges between 5 and 10% of traffic.

Don't go down the two versions route - that's just unnecessary expense.

Appreciate the advice very much, thank you :tu