Mobile Ring Tones aarrgggh


Is it me or do you get fed up of all the daft ring tones people have on their mobile phones.

I am on a client site today and no one has standard ring tones in this office at all. One guy has some bloody bagpipes, another has a load of kids screaming and shouting (I assume his own that he recorded) there are bird noises, monkeys and thats just a few. What really gets to me is that they leave their phone on a desk then dissapear for hours so the phone rings and rings and rings subjecting the rest of the office to the bloody thing :wall

I have a policy in my company that you are not allowed stupid ring tones especially if you spend time on client sites as I feel they give the wrong impression and tend to annoy people.

Rant over :)
I don't mind some of the ringtones, but the 'novelty' ones really get on my nerves. I have a strict rule in the office in that, if anyone leaves the room and their mobile goes off and we deem it so be a poor choice, the phone get's thrown in the pond outside.


Maybe I should adopt that policy but with a slight amendment that when they come back in the office they also folllow the phone out the window :evil:
skitt said:
Maybe I should adopt that policy but with a slight amendment that when they come back in the office they also folllow the phone out the window :evil:

I was going to suggest putting it under your foot, but yours seems a much better idea.