Sponsorship Plea


Boy Racer
Hi All

As many of you are, have just become or will be parents very soon i am appealing to your good nature on behalf of Rachel, my significant over.

As most of you are aware our little daughter Emma was born 12 weeks early and spent 7 weeks in the special care baby unit at East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey.

When she left we thanked the doctors and nurses for all their time and help, but now we would like to raise some money to donate to the unit.

To that end, Rachel has decided to shave her hair off in the next couple of weeks and we are both in the process of trying to raise sponsership for her.

Still not used to the idea of having a bald girlfriend, but if it rasies money for other babies that are in the same position Emma was i think i can use to it.

i will of cause post before and after pics so that any of you who do sponser her will see im not trying a quick scam.

Many Thanks in advance

Dave, Rachel & Emma
hi guys

ref sponsership

East surrey Hospital is not registered with justgiving.com so i cant do it this way and they would have to pay to register on the site

we are going to set up an account today for the appeal so if you wish to donate you can do it by direct account transfer ( please pm/e-mail for account details as i dont want to post them on a public forum) or cheque or postal order ( again can supply postal address vis pm/e-mail)

many thanks

Dave, i've done some fund raising in the past you have to be very careful how you set up the finances. There are tax implications for you and for your other half. And the charities act is pretty strict on accounts set up for fund raising, make sure you do your homework mate.

As an alternative to donating to the hospital how about a charity that works in the same field ?

Also bmycharity is another similar business !
DMC said:
Dave, i've done some fund raising in the past you have to be very careful how you set up the finances. There are tax implications for you and for your other half. And the charities act is pretty strict on accounts set up for fund raising, make sure you do your homework mate.

As an alternative to donating to the hospital how about a charity that works in the same field ?

Also bmycharity is another similar business !

will have a look into this

thanks for the heads up Dave
Count me in for sponsorship as soon as you get set up!

(note the spelling of sponsorship!- ;) )
DMC said:
Count me in for sponsorship as soon as you get set up!

(note the spelling of sponsorship!- ;) ) - cobblers

She has explained to the bank whats its for

they have set up an ISA account - she not have to pay tax as she is house wife

account should be go in a day or 2 once head office have sorted it
right guys

we now have the account set up to deal with Rachel's sponsored head shave on behalf of East Surrey Hospital Special Care Baby Unit

if you would like to sponsor her you can either send a cheque made payable to miss Rachel Davies or sussex and Surrey NHS trust
or make a donation directly into the account.

the account is in Rachels name and she wants to give them 1 big cheque at the end . . . .hope none of you think im trying to run a scam . . .not worth it too many of you know where i am

please PM for details of either

Many Thanks

Dave,Rachel & Emma
Last edited:
Me Again

Well have raised just over £400 in the first few weeks for the baby unit @ East Surrey Hospital.

hope to push this even further so any more help would be grateful:) :)

Dave, Rachel & lil' Emma
Hi there
Rachel here
Just wanted to say thanks for all the support to everyone who has said they will sponsor me when I shave my head. :)
To be honest its only 7weeks away now and I'm absolutely bricking it :scared: ! But then its only hair, it'll grow back. Who cares if I look like Dave for a while!!!!! :p
Anyway, hope even more you will find the kindness in your hearts to sponsor me.
Catch you guys later.
Only me again

Rachel's head shaving wii be taking place 18th Nov at her kid's schools Xmas fate in Reigate

Have had the local press round who have done an article

i am currently e-maiing the world and his wife as we plan to have a stall there as well to auction off any goodies we get sent from my e-mail

alas no joy so far! ! !

if you can help in any way please contact me and many thanks to those that have helped already

big thanks to DMC

just a quick thank you to DMC for his donation.

Rachel popped into Redhill to pay in a couple of cheques and phoned me in quite a shocked state when she saw an account transfer

So guys if you can help us to raises some £££££ for the prem baby unit @ Redhill please drop me a quick pm.

Again, many thanks for your support Dave..:) :) :)

Dave,Rachel & Emma
hi guys, Rachel again
Just saying a big thankyou to DMC. We are now up to £460 pledged in total (£250 of that is already in the bank!)
Hope some more of you might sponsor me too. I know you dont know me but some of you know Dave and Im sure he does some lovely deals on tyres :)
Anyway, hope to hear from you soon
Rachel and Emma