New website design


King Kong
What do you think?

Mocked up, I am really excited about it..

Your feedback on the visuals would be much respected...




looking good - where can I go and how much do you have to pay for a site like that ? - I genuinely have no idea - we have the webspace, name, etc, but no website as yet !! (being worked-on I'm told, but to be frank I've seen no evidence !! and haven't chased cos we've always been too busy to need even more work!
Lookin good :tu

I would imagine its using mambo - or one of the other very good free CMS systems.

Cost guide, £500 - £2000 depending on the level of design / user assistance on content.. :)
Lookin good :tu

I would imagine its using mambo - or one of the other very good free CMS systems.

Cost guide, £500 - £2000 depending on the level of design / user assistance on content.. :)

does look very good :) Any reason for the change Damon?

Based on my own (modest) experience and the work currently being done for my website launch (Jan '07) I'd concur with that price range Max mentioned.
With the advent of Contribute, I would have thought less people would have gone for CMS systems - as it makes it so easy to edit the sites yourself.

Regardless though, the site looks great Damon.
Its a proprietory CMS developed by the software company over years, also has Contact Management, eCommerce and lots more goodies.

I'll get a price for a site of my needs and let you know :tu