Keeping Bee's

Lord Gobby

King Kong
I have been reading allot about Bee's being on the endangered list, I know how important they are to the whole eco system.

Fancy keeping some. Are they self sufficient, if you buy the hives and introduce them?

Anyone got any experience or pointers?
I have been reading allot about Bee's being on the endangered list, I know how important they are to the whole eco system.

Fancy keeping some. Are they self sufficient, if you buy the hives and introduce them?

Anyone got any experience or pointers?

My ex-boss has got a few hives, they take quite a lot of looking after particularly over winter, I seem to frequently hear that one of his colonies has died.

personally I hate the little bastards.
I looked at getting some last year and even attended a bee keepers course and built a couple of hives, but in the end I felt the time wasn't quite right. I might look at it again next year, but they're pretty self sufficient really. You just need to make sure that you do your best to keep them mite free and feed them properly in winter.

They're fantastic little things and as you rightly put, vital to our ecosystem.
I think they are pretty self sufficient, i.e. you don't feed them or give them water, they go find it themselves.
Obviously they need flowers, either fields, or trees, or gardens etc.
I think most of the interference with them is related to getting the honey and making sure they are OK. If you don't want the honey, then I am not sure what the minimum you can do is.
Aside from the various diseases and other issues bees face, I don't think queens live all that long anyway, so people seem to lose a certain number of hives/colonies on a regular basis.
If the temp is too low they don't fly, so the winter seems to be a bit of a challenge.

I would think there is lots of info online as it has been one of the in-things to do over the last few years, especially in cities.

I have a wasp nest every other year, they require much less effort, i.e. they do it without me doing anything.
I have been reading allot about Bee's being on the endangered list, I know how important they are to the whole eco system.

Fancy keeping some. Are they self sufficient, if you buy the hives and introduce them?

Anyone got any experience or pointers?

We have a load of hives on the farm and a bee keeper

I can put you in touch with him if you like ? There is quite a lot to it I believe
I don't think queens live all that long anyway, so people seem to lose a certain number of hives/colonies on a regular basis.

The queen selection process is actually pretty fascinating. The colony will split and swarm every year and most keepers will split their nuc before it swarms and sell it on. This is what would have just happened when you purchase your bees. If you plan to increase your hive numbers then you'll split your nuc before it swarms and transfer to a new hive.

People usually lose bees due to a mite infestation, disease, wasps or lack of food over winter. If you're removing honey from the hive then you must feed them during winter.
We have a load of hives on the farm and a bee keeper

I can put you in touch with him if you like ? There is quite a lot to it I believe

Do you sell the honey commercially Clive? I'll have to give you a shout when I finally decide to get some bees.
Got plenty of land, woods, fields, flowers. Wouldn't want the honey, i wouldnt be able to get involved as I am anafalactic, just thought our environment here on the farm would be nice for them.

Kinda think i could do my bit.

Off to hug a tree
Slightly on topic but of no help to Gobby - I was surprised to hear James Hetfield (Metallica front man) also keep bee's !
It's genuinely interesting.


I certainly didn't expect that !
Got plenty of land, woods, fields, flowers. Wouldn't want the honey, i wouldnt be able to get involved as I am anafalactic, just thought our environment here on the farm would be nice for them.

Kinda think i could do my bit.

Off to hug a tree

Doesn't sound like it's the best thing for you :haha:
Slightly on topic but of no help to Gobby - I was surprised to hear James Hetfield (Metallica front man) also keep bee's !
It's genuinely interesting.


I certainly didn't expect that !

I was about to post that!

You seem to be listening to Joe a bit as well. ? (i do too)