If Lancia were to launch a new Stratos....


....what should be consist of?

The original was quite simply one of my favourite cars of all time, the design, the shape and whole concept was brilliant.

So what if Lancia were to launch a new one.......
damian said:
....what should be consist of?

The original was quite simply one of my favourite cars of all time, the design, the shape and whole concept was brilliant.

So what if Lancia were to launch a new one.......

Wasn't there a mule going around a while ago ??

long travel suspension for rallying
rear engine
green with white stripes

It should consist of:

The same thing, but minus rust and with a bit better build quality and electrics that work.
So basically get someone other than Lancia to build it.
There's a pic in one of the 2 Goodwood FoS posts.
In a real environment it looks a bit better.
I'm not convinced the colour does it any favours though.
I sense a dislike of the world-famous Italian craftmanship here, where the English aren't exactly known for a fantastic job there either :finger May I remind you that the spaghetti-exhaust was invented in Italy for instance. What did the English invent for Pete's sake ? The tode-in-the-hole muffler ? :evil: :p
Sorry directed, directed, directed :wall My keyboard is of English or Italian build quality you know :p
Andre said:
What did the English invent for Pete's sake ? The tode-in-the-hole muffler ? :evil: :p

TV, radio, radar, steam engines, trains, discovered electricity (I think), gravity, laws of motion, calculus, jet engine, hovercraft, ... etc. Also broke the sound barrier in a car.
Oh yeah, great stuff :tosser: :rolleyes: :) You forgot to mention that Sven Goran Erikson was appointed as England's coach didn't you.. :p
Andre said:
Oh yeah, great stuff :tosser: :rolleyes: :) You forgot to mention that Sven Goran Erikson was appointed as England's coach didn't you.. :p

England is not the country it once was.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum and it's all going downhill.
Greatness is all in the past.

I've got nothing against Italian cars, I just wouldn't buy one.