Hammond in big crash

Phatgixer said:
Yeah, he crashed on a charity rally in Australia in a AC Cobra Daytona coupe. Poor sod hit a tree and the fibreglass horror of a car, killed him.

That is very sad news indeed.. :( :(
Enjoyed his racing very much.. as well as his live comments while racing a V8 Holden.. :(
To put a little persepective on things with Hammnond.
They said it look at least 10 mins of extracation time. That is 10 mins without proper oxygen support.

They say 3 mins is a reasonable amount of brain 'time' before it starts to get 'injury'.

I realise I'm someone who takes the 'darker side' on things at times, but having dealt with a VERY similar accident only 18 months ago, I do know what the potential outcomes are here.

I'm not saying he can't make a full recovery, but just trying to let people know that 100% recovery seems unlikely from the information given. That doesn't mean people can't walk and talk - it means that people are not necessarily the 'same' people that we all remember (if that makes sense ??).

Anyways - fingers crossed.

Latest News.......

By John Bingham, PA
The fact Richard Hammond was able to regain some consciousness in the
immediate aftermath of his high-speed accident could bolster hopes of a good
recovery, according to experts.
Neurosurgeon John Firth, of Nottingham, said that regaining consciousness or
being able to speak immediately after such an accident would point towards the
brain beginning to fight back against the initial injury.
But he said that the next 10 days could be crucial in determining the outcome
with doctors likely to be on the look-out for swelling, haemorrhaging or clots.
Mr Firth, who serves on a panel of experts for the brain injury association
Headway, said: "The basic rule is if the person talks again then what we are
looking for is a good recovery.
"If enough of their brain is working to be able to talk and start to wake up,
hopefully the basic condition of the brain is such that if you can overcome all
the other problems you can make a good recovery.
"You can have the most horrific crash and make a good recovery or have
seemingly trivial head injuries which kill you - and they can kill you either by
the brain swelling or by it bleeding inside the head and forming a haematoma."
He said complications such as swelling were common in such cases but praised
the skills on offer at the Leeds General Infirmary which he described as having
an international reputation.
"It can easily take 10 days before one is out of the woods, you can have
haemorrhaging inside the brain quite commonly up to 10 days later," he said.
"In terms of the short term - controlling the swelling of the brain and being
worried about whether you have got all of the clot out if there was one - it is
normally four to five days."
I may be reading into this too much, but the docs have said he can make a 'good' recovery, no mention of 'full' recovery, I know it's early days..........but it doesn't sound promising.
Gastro said:
To put a little persepective on things with Hammnond.
They said it look at least 10 mins of extracation time. That is 10 mins without proper oxygen support.

They say 3 mins is a reasonable amount of brain 'time' before it starts to get 'injury'.

I realise I'm someone who takes the 'darker side' on things at times, but having dealt with a VERY similar accident only 18 months ago, I do know what the potential outcomes are here.

I'm not saying he can't make a full recovery, but just trying to let people know that 100% recovery seems unlikely from the information given. That doesn't mean people can't walk and talk - it means that people are not necessarily the 'same' people that we all remember (if that makes sense ??).

Anyways - fingers crossed.


it does sadly

I have had a couple of mates who have had similar accidents over the years,
diffrent people afterwards in every way,
personality, speech impared, reaction time, fitness
etc etc
one of my friends found it so difficult to cope with that he killed himself
very sad
i know that my personality has changed since my RTA 7 years ago

it resulted in me and my wife spliting up as i kept losing it with my kids over the slightest little thing.

Glad to say things have worked out OK although Gillian and I have never got back together

we get on better as friends wierd really

DaveB said:
i know that my personality has changed since my RTA 7 years ago

it resulted in me and my wife spliting up as i kept losing it with my kids over the slightest little thing.

Glad to say things have worked out OK although Gillian and I have never got back together

we get on better as friends wierd really


Thats why i won't buy tyres off you, in case you deck me when i ask for a discount:wall :rolleyes:

Sorry about you and your wife btw
SimonM said:
Thats why i won't buy tyres off you, in case you deck me when i ask for a discount:wall :rolleyes:

Sorry about you and your wife btw

im not that bad

the price i do for you guys is discounted already :) :)
DaveB said:
im not that bad

the price i do for you guys is discounted already :) :)

Yeah just no good at getting me a coffee ;)

As for Hammond, hope he does make a full recovery. Although I bet his wife will be laying down the law on stunts for the future