Hammond in big crash

How the hell did he survive when it started to tumble? and at that speed too 280mph? :eek:

As Mosi said it's not a good month with people passing away. The legendary Peter Brock died last week too from a car crash :(
ADJ said:
How the hell did he survive when it started to tumble? and at that speed too 280mph? :eek:

There is a movie clip of the crash on the BBC News website. Thankfully it looks like the jet car had slowed down quite a bit when it crashed (one parachute deployed too). I'm no expert, I'm just going off what you can see.
I'll check it out now.

I'm surprised they allowed the video to be released. If the worst comes to the worst (touch wood doesn't) it's already been splattered all over the internet. Not the best way to have handled the situation IMO.
I've just watched the movie clip on the BBC website again, and they have cut the bit out that was on it at 5.30am this morning!!

Basically the bit that shows the car losing control and disappearing into a cloud of smoke, then the fire engine pelting after it.

Cripes! I hope that doesnt mean that there has been more news and things have turned for the worse for him (so they have edited the crash film out of respect!)! :(
I heard that he's ina serious but stable condition, that's better than critical. All the reports talk like the poor blokes died already! And this rubbish about TV presenters taking ever increasing risks and whether all the safety precautions were taken yesterday, what a load of crap. If someone wants to take a risk it's their decision and I'm sure this car has run many times before, driving a car at 300mph is never going to be ultra safe now is it, especially when there's a jet engine strapped to it!

I know the owner of that car, a chap called Mark Newby, him and his team are a smashing bunch of guys and they are sooo safety conscious.. I hope Hamster makes a speedy recovery and will be able to joke about this over a beer in future..
Quote from BBC website "The hospital said his wife was at his bedside and, at the request of his family, no more information would be released"

Should we read into this statement, or am I just being a pessimist ? :(
Mosi said:
Quote from BBC website "The hospital said his wife was at his bedside and, at the request of his family, no more information would be released"

Should we read into this statement, or am I just being a pessimist ? :(

I reckon he'll be fine. You can put away your 'Top Gear' presenter outfit and audition script for another year , Steve ;)

I wonder if Clarkson is at his bedside taking the pi55?

how are your teeth hamster?

let's hope he pulls through as he is now an integral part of that team and I think he is a good guy too. handy driver as well! puts the bean pole to shame!!

get well soon RH.
daz said:
apparently he was awake when they took him to hospital,
this is a good sign yes

Not sure we can read too much into that. But for sure the statement that he is improving is a good sign. :) Fingers crossed.

Broken bones can always be fixed (usually anyway) - its head trauma that is the main concern - but its impossible to infer anything I think from the info that has been released.
Yep - the results of brain injury take a little while after the initial insult.
Thereafter the brain swelling causes subsequent loss of consciousness. From the fact that he was airlifted to a neurological unit could be a bad sign - only time will tell :(
Yeah, he crashed on a charity rally in Australia in a AC Cobra Daytona coupe. Poor sod hit a tree and the fibreglass horror of a car, killed him.
According to SKY.

Hamster has suffered a "Significant Brain Injury".. but is expected to make a good recovery..
