Hammond in big crash

Out of all the presenters I like him the most....fingers crossed he's ok and make a quick recovery
Its just been on SKY News too

He was driving a jet car at 280mph on an airfield near York (could be Elvington where TOTB is held)

Fingers crossed he's ok, but it sounds like he has been injured for sure :(
not good..

from sky


He was reportedly driving a jet-powered Vampire car when it overturned.

Mr Hammond was said to have been reaching speeds of up to 280mph as the accident happened.

Firefighter Dave Ogden, who witnessed the crash, told Sky News that the 36-year-old presenter was able to speak as he was taken out of the wreckage of the car.

Inspector Mike Thompson, of North Yorkshire Police, said officers were dealing with the incident at the airfield northeast of York where the filming was taking place.

He said: "At 5.45pm this evening we received a report via the fire service of a male person trapped in what was described as an overturned jet car which had been driven on the airfield.

"The male occupant has received serious injuries and has been airlifted to hospital at Leeds."
Jeeesus. I just heard about this. I chatted to the guy last year on Top Gear set in Dunsfold, really lovely fellow. Hope he pulls through:eek:
No way! Here's hoping he pulls though OK and is 100% after, he always seems to be the one with the guts to try all the dangerous stuff.
It was at Elvington Airfield. There are some nasty bumps at the bottom end of that runway, I'm surprised they were going for a UK land speed record there tbh! - there are far more safer / longer airfield runways.

Get well Hammond!
skitt said:
Just woke up and GMTV were talking about it, the way they were reporting made it sound like the poor bloke had died.

He'd better not die! ....what with Steve Irwin, and now this....I'm having a mare this month!

They'll be nothing left for me to watch on the telly!