For the last 50 Minutes

Phatgixer said:
Why oh why oh why oh why didn't Lambo make the nearly perfect Gallardo RWD? Silly buggers. Dopey Audi still carping on about quattro being a performance fitting, perhaps?

Give me a Gallardo with 1350 kg and an engine that actualy makes its published power, and bin the stoopid 4wd system and no Ferrari would get a look in. :tu

Angus, Lambo ARE working on a lightweight Rwd Gallardo. It will be a direct compete to the 430 Stradale - look out for it some day soon.
Mosi said:
Angus, Lambo ARE working on a lightweight Rwd Gallardo. It will be a direct compete to the 430 Stradale - look out for it some day soon.

I read that a while ago to can't be far off?
Mosi said:
Angus, Lambo ARE working on a lightweight Rwd Gallardo. It will be a direct compete to the 430 Stradale - look out for it some day soon.

Now thats interesting.. where did you hear that mate ? :)