detailfinish - New Website LIVE


King Kong
Its live :dance-tap:

A few tweaks outstanding, but ready to go.

Will be loading up the Gallery and Blog over the coming weeks with 50 details!!!

Example Blog

Will be building in Youtube integration etc

Check out the flash functionality in the gallery, click on the grid bottom left or hover over image number and click it to see the pic. The flash generation is all automated, I just load up the pics.

I've also noticed a few spelling mistakes do you want them in this thread or PM'd?

I love the logo by the way - really nice.
Its all content managed, so I don't have to do anything than edit text and upload images. Even the site structure is adjustable
Just had a quick look onto the homepage:

2 things:
1: If I click on the image with the 2 exhausts it does open in its full size but the browser window does not (see screenshot):

2: Just beauty really: Porsche 997 GT3RS Viper Green cuts into the grey area, would look nicer if it stays on the white, just makes it look neater!

Apart from that a really nice site, I like it!
Thanks, will look into those. I am having difficulty changing the featured product.

Who works for ANS UK Ltd? 5 sessions sitting on the site for ages.

And one session from Highspeed Office Limited been on for hours :D