Cheap B&O?

I think this was mentioned on S9's a while back.

As everyone has said it is a HUGE personal choice thing (much like cars).

Me, I'm a substance over form kinda guy, hence my living room is filled with Naim CD, pre amp, two power amps, power supplies and Wilson Benesch speakers (yes I am a hi-fi geek and yes, it cost way too much money, but quite frankly I don't care - I love it :tu)

Advice. It is worth spending on cable and inter-connects and above all else take it home for a home audition before you buy it - you would not believe how different these things sound in your own home compared to in a shops audition room.
rico said:
Most shops have a range of ex-demo for sale... another option :)

ex-Demo Speedos? :eek:

You'll probably find B&O shops have a number of returns from customers unimpressed with the sound quality ;)
damian said:
ex-Demo Speedos? :eek:

You'll probably find B&O shops have a number of returns from customers unimpressed with the sound quality ;)

"style over substance" is the usual reason for B&O returns...;)
I agree with Iain B&O look fantastic

Unless you have a room as good as the demo rooms accoustically will you benefit from the sound?

My parents have B&O in there house all through the sound is fine plus the functionality is fantastic.

B&O :tu

InsBro said:
I agree with Iain B&O look fantastic

Unless you have a room as good as the demo rooms accoustically will you benefit from the sound?

My parents have B&O in there house all through the sound is fine plus the functionality is fantastic.

B&O :tu


You can get a decent hi-fi seller to acoustically map your room. A lot of hi-fi sellers have incorrectly setup demo rooms, you should demand a single speaker demo room (unless you are demoing surround sound) as speakers will resonant in sympathy altering the sound in the room.
Gastro said:
What sort of budget are we looking at for a setup like yours then (amp/cd/speakers) ?
Start with the front end, get a decent cd transport. But dont forget that it will be the elctronics in the D to A converter that will make the most difference here. Meridan make some of teh best DA's in teh biz. They also major on AV. I managed to pick up a 561 s/h for £1k which has loads of inputs and outputs so I can run evreything through it. it allows everything to sound fantastic - totally recommended. Then just couple it up to some nice power amps, through some big copper cables (I dont think O2 free copper is necessary, just buy big diameter multicore) then decide on some speakers: the difference in sound in spkrs is the main personal choice IMO as each sound very different. When choosing I go for drama rather than - are they full of bass / treble etc as thats the sound I want. I currently run a pair of Dynaudio studio monitors which actually are a little too revealing for my twin Crown DC300 power amps and am looking for a nice chunky valve amp to rteplace them with - anyone got one ??
Oh I forgot to say, the Meridan is set up using a sound meter and a laptop program that comes with it, allowing the level and bass/treble of each channel to be set according to where you sre sitting, also there are many other prams you can set such as depth of rear channels revrb rate, lipsynch etc - should take about an hour to do - results can be stunning.

Also buy a FCK-OFF subwoofer to go with it, mine is 500w active and weighs 75kg!! Paradigm makes it - unbeleiveable low notes esp in films