Any opticians on here


Boy Racer
I always used to use a mix of glasses and contacts till a few years back when my near vision sarted to play up. I have managed by just taking my glasses off or using reading ones .

But been looking at getting contacts again for cycling to make it easier to sort sunglasses out but then I am screwed for close up work , but came across multifocal contacts any one use them ?

At what age did you notice your vision change / deteriorate? My near vision has deteriorated over the last couple of years and I'll be 48 in a couple of months. I've just got a set of specs for computer work prescribed, but just can't get on with them and end up taking them off and struggling. It's like I'd rather struggle than use the new glasses. Just feel totally spaced out when I wear them. I can get away without using them at present but not sure how it'll be in a couple of years time. Feels alien to me wearing anything other than sunglasses.
At what age did you notice your vision change / deteriorate? My near vision has deteriorated over the last couple of years and I'll be 48 in a couple of months. I've just got a set of specs for computer work prescribed, but just can't get on with them and end up taking them off and struggling. It's like I'd rather struggle than use the new glasses. Just feel totally spaced out when I wear them. I can get away without using them at present but not sure how it'll be in a couple of years time. Feels alien to me wearing anything other than sunglasses.

I had glasses for reading about 6 months ago, absolutely hated them at 1st & still not accepted that I really need them, Iam 56.
Just about getting used to them, mainly because I cannot read small print anymore, like cooking instructions on labels, etc etc.
Would love my old eye site back to how it used to be, always perfect.
Guess we just need to accept we are fooked :cry
At what age did you notice your vision change / deteriorate? My near vision has deteriorated over the last couple of years and I'll be 48 in a couple of months. I've just got a set of specs for computer work prescribed, but just can't get on with them and end up taking them off and struggling. It's like I'd rather struggle than use the new glasses. Just feel totally spaced out when I wear them. I can get away without using them at present but not sure how it'll be in a couple of years time. Feels alien to me wearing anything other than sunglasses.

Similar here. I started to notice deterioration of near vision at about 45. Two years on, and I now use reading glasses for close work, but find them disorientating. I blame backlit screens and smart phone, bah humbug.
I started being aware at about 45 , to start with just took my glasses of, then optician prescribed reading glases for using with a screen hardly used then found it a pain swopping, carrying them all the time, but rarely use them.

Age wise i am 53 now .
Yup had laser surgery at 20 for short sightedness , still ok but now reading glasses especially for laptop , not bad considering i stare at screens for my job, 49 yrs
My girlfriend has recently started with the multi focal contact lenses and is very happy with them.

No downsides as far as I can tell. She was wearing lenses before but starting to struggle with reading. Now she doesn’t:-)
I moved to varifocals or whatever they are called. Paid a lot to get state fo the art and took to them easily and can see for all purposes with them.
I've worn contact lenses since I was 19 and now I wear Biofinity Multifocal lenses. I've worn them for about 6 years & they're very comfortable. Middle & distance vision is great with these but it's at the expense of my close vision (which has changed massively over the last couple of years - oh the joy of ageing), so I now wear a pair of readers for computer work/reading.
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I use glasses for driving, the rest of the time I'm fine (well I can handle it) but do have varifocal specs when I need the detail work and when my eyes are tired. Last summer I decided to try contact lenses and started with multi-focal but I just couldn't handle it so the optician recommended separate long/short vision lenses as my dominant eye is my weaker one. However I can't live with the lenses and so I'm back to my glasses.

I'd be interested in the views of those using multifocals, I was given the AcuVue ones but if there's alternatives that I could try I'd consider getting a prescription set up.
So if you have one eye that is good at long sight - and one eye that is good at near sight - can you get different laser surgery on both - to correct them so they are good at both distances? Or are you stuck with one of each?
So if you have one eye that is good at long sight - and one eye that is good at near sight - can you get different laser surgery on both - to correct them so they are good at both distances? Or are you stuck with one of each?

If you have one of each your brain will actually do the work to adjust and prefer the good eye for each type of viewing. One solution opticians use is to give you lenses to do exactly that. Takes a couple of weeks for things to readjust but if you can stand the disorientation over that time it can work well.

I've been VERY short sighted all my life and have worn contact lenses for over 20 years, my prescription has been the same for about 15 years and in the last year or so has started to shift for closer reading which is a real pain. I've found I'm having to move the iPhone further away to read things :(

I have varifocals for when I'm not wearing the lenses but am resisting reading glasses and currently have a 'halfway house' for my lenses so I get just about OK close and far vision. If it changes much more, I'll be stuffed, but that will probably mean wearing reading glasses all day as I sit at a PC all the time.

Getting old sucks!
So if you have one eye that is good at long sight - and one eye that is good at near sight - can you get different laser surgery on both - to correct them so they are good at both distances? Or are you stuck with one of each?

I believe you can, convex / concave - laser burns single cells to rebuild, scared the crap out of me when I had it done but was worth it!
Has anyone had Laser surgery late 40s / 50? . Fed up with having to carry glasses everywhere for close up work. I'm ok long vision but looking at my phone without specs now just can't be done effectively. Didn't realise it would become so inconvenient
I got fed up taking reading glasses with me, must had about 10 pairs laying about. I switched to varifocals that are also light sensitive and darken in the sun. Took a week to get used to them, but so much easier.
I got fed up taking reading glasses with me, must had about 10 pairs laying about. I switched to varifocals that are also light sensitive and darken in the sun. Took a week to get used to them, but so much easier.
You mean you wear them all the time?
I’ve been wearing glasses for 44 years (now 46) and just got first pair of varifocals, and have found them a little tricky.

Have reasonably high index (-13/-12) and have found them OK, but not noticing the benefits. Had to get them adjusted twice as I have little tolerance for PD being out or them sitting mm’s out.......

tried contacts once (when they were glass) and could not get on with them...

Won’t consider laser as it scares me and I was once told I’d need it done twice on each eye so seemed a pain.......and after so long wearing glasses think it would feel weird.