Any God botherers in here ?

The bible is a "subjective" work as it was written by man, regardless of what acts were observed it cannot but be interpreted by a human being and thus subjective.. and of course if you add to that the limits of the written word, and the many inherent errors in translation... You are bound to end up with an error strewn document. Even if the message is salient still today.

One thing I will say is that religion gave the backbone to our moral framework for centuries.. it gave us something to be frightened of(damnation) and it gave us a place to be our moral authority. (our indignation when we find out that priests are prone to the same weaknesses of flesh as the rest of us , comes from this sense of moral trust being abused..)

And i don't think that it's any coincidence that with the erosion of religious authority and the reducing popularity of church attendance that our moral standards and general behavioural standards of society as a whole are falling badly. (Just my opinion)

All I know is my relationship with God has nothing to do with the Spanish Inquisition or similar extremism. No more than i'm sure 99% of Muslims follow/support Al Quaeda.
I'm a complete religious nut and go to church 5 times a week, wear sandals with socks and have a collection of knitted jumpers. Jesus is the true saviour and the end is nigh etc etc.

As is typical with people like me, I refuse to listen to reason and instead just shout 'blah blah blah' during any reasoned debate on the subject.

May the good lord strike you down and his mates give you are a right good shoeing for even raising the subject!!!


I'm off to church and then I'm going to hook up with a rentboy in the local public toilets - following that I'm going to eye up the young talent in the local swimming baths and then download some kiddie porn. When I've done all that I'll be praying for the sins of people sleep together but are not married - disgusting!!

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Not a god squad member myself, but have firm believers amongst the family.

Have made it clear in the past, that I don't believe..(fed the line)
The reply was, "but he believes in you" Perfect! Of course he believes in me, and so he should. :D

Religion was constructed to unite tribes/clans together, so they could fight another tribe/clan. The only purpose being to subjigate/pillage/rape the other. It has escalated from there..

There is no life after death, do not even remotely consider there is.. next time you drive your car or ride your bike flat out.. look at all the dead flies on the windscreen, and ask yourself where, if anywhere they have gone..? Nowhere, just permanent lights off. :D