Wife been insta slandered.


Ring Warrior
Monique was snapped in Alderley Edge and outed as the complainer about supercars. It wasn't her, I contacted the poster (11.6k followers) and he has deleted it...

Shows the danger of social media, we could have ended up with a pitchfork holding mob at our gates :rofl:

PS the number of snappers in AD has gone crazy since the daily mail article a couple of weeks ago, must have been 30+, on a road no longer than 500 meters.

PPS if you zoom in you can see Coco our youngest choc lab riding shotgun.

No damage - other than some people now think he is a tit
Agreed, no damage (sort of)

But what about if this 'Tit' had posted something more serious and some drongo had acted upon that post.

Actions have consequences... he needs that brought to his attention I think.