Who is Kubera Wealth? - a new PGT partner


Ring Warrior
Hello all,

Most of you know me as my alter ego and forum name of Poon!

In real life outside of the www, I am also called Poon but this is merely a nickname or term of endearment from friends and family.

My passport says that I am called Stuart Poonawala and I am the founder of Kubera Wealth, a wealth management company committed to providing fee based independent advice and financial planning solutions to professional individuals and Families based in the UK and abroad.

I have more than 20 years industry experience, primarily with HSBC, and have witnessed first hand how the product selling & commission culture of larger wealth management firms can lead to poor advice and non existent management.

At Kubera Wealth we only work with a select number of clients, we build long-term relationships to meet their needs both now and in the future, we always put our clients first.

Working with Kubera Wealth you will never feel like a number or like you are being “sold” a product.

We prefer to engage with our clients on a “fee basis” in this way we can avoid any conflict of interest that might arise from receiving commission from Products.

We take time to really understand our clients, their current situation, goals and ambitions.

Even their fears.

We use this information to determine the most appropriate solution to meet their needs.

Then we implement our recommendations using the very latest technology and communicate with our clients regularly to ensure they remain on track.

We believe that there are no standard solutions to meet the complex needs of wealthy individuals and their families, thats why we build long term, trusted relationships to give our clients the best opportunity to meet their achieve their short and long term objectives.

If you want to see more about what we do and also have a look a my case studies and blog please visit:


I am really looking forward to being a PGT partner here as much as I have enjoyed being a member.
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Can you give a quick summary of the tax schemes you refer to as "Level Two:
The next level is driven by accountants who make use of Limited Companies, LLP’s and other structures to reduce and mitigate tax."
Can you give a quick summary of the tax schemes you refer to as "Level Two:
The next level is driven by accountants who make use of Limited Companies, LLP’s and other structures to reduce and mitigate tax."

Hi Doug,

I try not to give out too much info as I am not a chartered accountant and tax advice of this nature does not fall within the scope of my level of regulated advice however a couple of basic examples would be the use of Capital Allowances and the choice of whether to be a Ltd Co or LLP.

Alot depends on your tax status of course, i.e whether you are an employee, self employed, Ltd Co etc etc. UK res/non dom etc etc.

Basically a good Accountant will save a fair amount of tax through good planning and the use of legitimate structural advice. Often bespoke plans are more effective than "schemes" as by their very nature they are not mass marketed tax avoidance products.

There are of course "schemes" such as EBTs EFRBS and other income mitigation schemes such as film partnership, general trading partnerships etc etc, I am not a massive fan of these as they have the potential to backfire spectacularly and also hang around for a long time creating uncertainty.

As with most things of a financial nature it the quality of advice thats the most important thing and if it sounds to good to be true.................

Hope this helps?
poon, I have been meaning to 'take control' of my financial affairs for a while and certainly have 'fears' about where some of my money is at the moment, give me an idea of your fee's if you dont mind (pm if your prefer)
Exchanged PM's with you recently, currently using someone else but would also definitely like to get an idea of the fee's so I can compare to current commission based people I use.
poon, I have been meaning to 'take control' of my financial affairs for a while and certainly have 'fears' about where some of my money is at the moment, give me an idea of your fee's if you dont mind (pm if your prefer)

Howi, your inbox is full!
Though I'd post up about Poon (aka Mr CHiPs, aka Stuart)...

I've been using him as my financial advisor pretty much from when he set up (so must be about 3 years now).

In comparison to most I don't have a lot to invest and being an Accountant I have a pretty good idea and money and investments, but Stuart has always been great to deal with, isn't pushy in any way and always listens to what it is I want to do with my money and suggests new ways to minimise tax and try and maximise performance (he's the only reason I have a private pension).

Even chatting to him over a review last night has helped me to quantify what I need in terms of buying a new house, how much I can afford and how various investments I have now or could use in the future could support that purchase.

Previously I'd been using someone locally and their level of service is incomparable - Stuart gets it right in terms of letting you know what is going on without being at all intrusive and with regular reviews.

Highly recommended :tu
In comparison to most I don't have a lot to invest and being an Accountant I have a pretty good idea and money and investments, but Stuart has always been great to deal with, isn't pushy in any way and always listens to what it is I want to do with my money and suggests new ways to minimise tax and try and maximise performance (he's the only reason I have a private pension).

You mean I'm not the only bean counter in the village?? Oh goody! :D

It sounds like a good set-up you've got Stuart. Commission based wealth advice can never be fully independent, and transparency and trust is vital these days, so I think you're on to a winning formula. Client tesimonials like the above are always good to hear too:tu
Guilty on the accountant front - although qualified I've never worked in Accounting (always Audit) and can't see that changing anytime soon.
Guilty on the accountant front - although qualified I've never worked in Accounting (always Audit) and can't see that changing anytime soon.

An Auditor?? That's even worse!! :sick:
(says the banker!):hands:

Although I've done some time (take that as you wish) in Audit, I can't see myself going back, certainly not long term.
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How do you deal with retros Stuart? Do you just not receive them, or do you receive them and pass them back to clients? I guess the RDR legislation will move the goalposts anyway. What sort of accessibility to hedge funds do you have?

Please PM me your standard fee schedule.


Superb service and a great guy

It is not often I recommend anyone, particularly not blood-suckers like accountants, solicitors and the worst-of-all, financial advisors. Having been particularly burnt by poor advise by one to the tune of alot of money, that should be enough to put anyone off for life.

However, I have had to go through some horrific financial hurdles over the last year, and during that period when I was at my lowest point, I was recommended Stuart (Poon/Kuberawealth) and it was quite frankly one of the best things that has happened to me in recent years.

Stuart was able to sort out massive things for me that no one else had a clue how to do. What's more, as I've got to know Stuart better, he is a proper petrol-head and a genuinely decent, honest and, well, nice bloke that is clearly working really hard to make a proper business, and sacrificing alot to do so.

No problem is too difficult, it is never inconvenient to call him, he always calls back, he is always ultra responsive on everything. More to the point he finds solutions that actually work brilliantly. If it is out of his sphere of knowledge, he uses his network to find the best person to solve it. His fees are completely transparent.

Quite honestly Stuart, and I probably haven't even said this to you directly, you literally saved my arse last year both directly or indirectly when all else had failed.:tu

In the words of Simon Cowell, its a 1000% yes from me.
As Tony and Scott said, Stuart is a sound bloke. We had the same advisor as Tony and were receiving piss poor advice, losing money hand over fist with investments that were recommended etc and Stuart helped us out greatly at the time with some sound advice.

top bloke!
How do you deal with retros Stuart? Do you just not receive them, or do you receive them and pass them back to clients? I guess the RDR legislation will move the goalposts anyway. What sort of accessibility to hedge funds do you have?

Please PM me your standard fee schedule.



Hi Roger,

We tend not to use investment solutions that have built in retro's so don't need to to anything with them, if we did take on a client with "retro's" then we would adjust our remuneration accordingly. We are RDR compliant already from a charging standpoint.

I can access hedge funds and hedge fund research via my investment partners, what did you have in mind?

Will PM over my fee schedule
It is not often I recommend anyone, particularly not blood-suckers like accountants, solicitors and the worst-of-all, financial advisors. Having been particularly burnt by poor advise by one to the tune of alot of money, that should be enough to put anyone off for life.

However, I have had to go through some horrific financial hurdles over the last year, and during that period when I was at my lowest point, I was recommended Stuart (Poon/Kuberawealth) and it was quite frankly one of the best things that has happened to me in recent years.

Stuart was able to sort out massive things for me that no one else had a clue how to do. What's more, as I've got to know Stuart better, he is a proper petrol-head and a genuinely decent, honest and, well, nice bloke that is clearly working really hard to make a proper business, and sacrificing alot to do so.

No problem is too difficult, it is never inconvenient to call him, he always calls back, he is always ultra responsive on everything. More to the point he finds solutions that actually work brilliantly. If it is out of his sphere of knowledge, he uses his network to find the best person to solve it. His fees are completely transparent.

Quite honestly Stuart, and I probably haven't even said this to you directly, you literally saved my arse last year both directly or indirectly when all else had failed.:tu

In the words of Simon Cowell, its a 1000% yes from me.

Thanks mate it really does make me feel good to see your kind words, I love what I do and its good to know that I have been able to help this year.