Wax on Wax off

Autoglym SRP is one of the quickest ways of improving the look of your car (if it has swirls, marring or holograms).
It contains fillers, so it masks swirls very well, 15 minutes would do the whole car.
You can work it longer to get a polishing action, or just apply it, let it dry & buff off if you just want the fillers.
EGP (Extra gloss protection) can be applied over the top to make the shine last longer.
Jez, how are you getting on with the M3?

Leave the EDC in soft (I think it is best for day to day) and you will really enjoy ownership :)
Jez, how are you getting on with the M3?

Leave the EDC in soft (I think it is best for day to day) and you will really enjoy ownership :)

I picked up on that re the EDC and your spot on it is much better for B roads

The car blows me away everytime I drive it hard I really like it.
