The Greatest Guitarist.......

Tough tough question just as it was in 2006..

Stanley Jordan has an amazing skills.. give it a chance to get going.


Eric Johnson also worth putting in the mix.


Some reporter once asked Jimmy Hendrix 'so Mr Hendrix how does it feel to be the best guitarist in the world?' And Hendrix answered 'I wouldnt know, ask Rory Gallagher'

.... of all time ?

Richie Blackmore - Deep Purple.

Randy Rhoads, no question in my mind, unique and fantastic showman

a tough one...

whereas best drummer is an easy one....

the one and only

Phil Collins

Tosh!! Depends how you judge a drummer, for me fook technical ability, I like a drummer who is a showman, for that reason there is one stand out drummer above EVERYONE else...Tommy Lee, the man is stark staring nutty brilliant to watch!
Tosh!! Depends how you judge a drummer, for me fook technical ability, I like a drummer who is a showman, for that reason there is one stand out drummer above EVERYONE else...Tommy Lee, the man is stark staring nutty brilliant to watch!

Steve Moore
If one wanted to learn the guitar, where would one start?

Would like a nice acoustic guitar, but got to be nice black wood?

Like rock and metal stuff if that needs to be considered?
If one wanted to learn the guitar, where would one start?
Definitely with the acoustic you mentioned. Nylon stringed is good begin with, steel stringed after you've built up accuracy, finger strength and callouses :) Go to electric last, you can hide a wealth of sloppy/plain bad technique behind distortion.

Also, get lessons. There are a million ways to self-teach and a million ways to develop bad technique because someone who does know what they're doing wasn't there to stop you doing the things you shouldn't. Remember, Steve Vai had lessons once......
Interesting thread this but bit surprised there is no mention of either Walter Trout or Del Bromham. I first saw Del play with his band Stray when I was at Uni, missed the live gigs for many years until Stray came to Milton Keynes and played a gig at the Stables, we were standing at the bar afterwards and Del came up to me and said "Hello Teach", it turned out I had been teaching his daughter science in the school where I worked, she never mentioned her dad was a rock star! We now meet fairly regularly for a social chat and a few beers.
Randy Rhoads, no question in my mind, unique and fantastic showman

Tosh!! Depends how you judge a drummer, for me fook technical ability, I like a drummer who is a showman, for that reason there is one stand out drummer above EVERYONE else...Tommy Lee, the man is stark staring nutty brilliant to watch!

Agree on both of those.

Lars Ulrich is pretty handy on the drums. Joey Jordison is talented as well.
If one wanted to learn the guitar, where would one start?

Would like a nice acoustic guitar, but got to be nice black wood?

Like rock and metal stuff if that needs to be considered?

Just a thought, but its the biggest load of bollocks that you should start learning guitar on an acoustic. They are harder to play physically than an electric, and they don't sound like electric guitars, so if the music you like is electric based why would you start on an acoustic? Just get a good enough electric and small amp/amp sim and get going.

I've just got rock smith 2 - will be interesting to see if its any good.