Thank you for 10 years of supporting Cambridge Autogleam


Boy Racer
A quick thank you to everyone on this forum that has used my services over the years. I started sponsoring PGT in 2009 and have worked on some amazing cars thanks to you guys, but since moving to a static workshop, I've barely done work for any PGT members and todays thread about detailing prices highlighted how perhaps your not my target audience any more.

I think there was just the one disgruntled customer who wasn't happy with a PPF job which is a shame as I aim to please everyone.

I'm not going anywhere, I will still be here as Autostore .. and Cambridge Autogleam as a company isn't going anywhere either, in fact the last few years have just been getting busier and busier so those that require my services still know where I am.

My advertising subscription runs until 20th May I believe and I've just launched an updated website which has all of my services and very reasonable prices listed so please take 5 mins to have a browse.

Thank you again.

Great work :) I've lost count of how many of my cars you've applied some TLC too, see you in early May !
sorry i've just reread your post. I've never had anything but praise for your work mate, you also helped me with a few different car related conundrums, for which you've got my gratitude. Keep the faith mate.
Good work Nathen. Ten years is a long time.

I imagine all the mods have you do all their cars as way of thanks?
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