Random occurence (for the Irish lot this one)


King Kong
Der I was, eatin me little Jelly Beans, when I lookt down and der were these tree little fellas left!!!!

Totally random, so I lined the little beggas upt for a picture :D


I think this place would be nout without the wit and driving talent of the Irish folk...

Of course, I have both in abundance....:D
Bring it on my bitches......All fair in love and war......:bat:

Mitch, I am gonna kick yer fuckin assss mannn!!:D

Eoin, you stuff sausages with questionable ingrediants.....You like floor number 6......nuff said.....you have zero creditbility with me.....I frown on your type...:angry:

Dave, what can I say......have you ever stood toe to toe with a wild west man with a hurley...and I am not even talking about my fists of fury.....:yeah:

Racer will be rented. Racer will be lit up the hole and pointed to the horizon...and in the words of bullet tooth tony...............................'Now............fuck off.....'

Westside all the way boys...

You at the ring at end of the month andy? You got my last pm?;)


will be there I think. hoping for dry weather and empty tracks... so it'll probably be pissing down and busy as fook.

chances are it wont be opening on the saturday evening after the VLN, apparently they're trialing not opening it, as the 2 hr opening is usually too much carnage.

where are you lot staying? rieder?
hey dont you ever ever say u'll bring out the fist of fury, i'd say ur a tower of power man anyways, :yeah: :yeah: ur up there in the big smoke telling us about west side you trator you left the west side years ago, you left us all down here in the cold wet west no electircty no running water no cars only donkeys and you have the same of slaging us, well i'll tell you when i see you tog out for the under 12's next weekend in the county semi final the shins will be taken clean out from under you..............:bat: :bat: :bat: and dont think for 1 minute that i wont send young darcy out after you.