Nissan GT-R photos all time favourite car....(hope it was red)....I am sooooo jealous...!!!!

not speaking to you now!!!
It was a great day you are very talented mate! We park engine off, horses go past rider swears at us, park keeper asks us to move we do immediately to where he told us to go to horses come past another rider swears at us, i mean my 9 year old is worldly wise but he didn't have to listen to that.

The problem is that horses are like humans, all different!! Ours will ignore a tractor and shit herself at a branch on a tree she doesn`t like :wall At one of Nikola`s dressage tests I have to stand at one end of the arena by a scary tree because its the only way the horse will do a test.

You also get a real mix of riders, some very polite and courteous and some who think that they rule the road and no matter what you do to accommodate them, they will still find fault.

The sad thing is that they used abusive language/behaviour in front of a child :confused:
The sad thing is that they used abusive language/behaviour in front of a child :confused:

Nail, head.

Anyway, here's another photo:
Ace pictures. I dont care what anyone says, the GTR has a hard edged beauty of its own.
Thanks Dave :)

Good locations are always a challenge to find. I'm looking forward to hopefully shooting John's Ultima in the docklands down in Southampton by his Yacht.

Anyway, another photo:
I'd love to take some cars to more interesting locations, but if I'm driving I can't justify the petrol costs :(

Yorkshire dales would be a fun place to get a few cars along to. BlackiePaul?

George if you ever want to get a few cars together in Peaks/Yorkshire Moors you know where to come... Actually, are you about for a shoot in Notts on 16th Jan?? There will be about 10 cars....
The problem is that horses are like humans, all different!! Ours will ignore a tractor and shit herself at a branch on a tree she doesn`t like :wall At one of Nikola`s dressage tests I have to stand at one end of the arena by a scary tree because its the only way the horse will do a test.

You also get a real mix of riders, some very polite and courteous and some who think that they rule the road and no matter what you do to accommodate them, they will still find fault.

The sad thing is that they used abusive language/behaviour in front of a child :confused:

My missus has a horse, and there is one sure way of winding her and all the horsey types up by telling her they shouldnt be on the fookin road :tu Also how come they dont have to clear their shit up :dontknow: