New website goes live and GFWilliams teams up with CambridgeAutogleam!


King Kong
I've spent a good while re-building my website to make it more commercial looking, simple and clear. I also wanted to add new photos and make the older ones more sleek looking. There are some photos you won't have seen before on there, so please check it out :)

I've also teamed up with Nathan from Cambridge Autogleam and we're both very pleased to be able to offer package deals of having your detailed to the highest level then also photographed at the same time. What better a time to have your car photographed then after a detail?

One other thing to mention is that the prices say £200 on my website. The PGT price is still £150 :tu

www looks great George, will you go to Maidenhead to photograph a 599? Your site doesn't say where you are based?
www looks great George, will you go to Maidenhead to photograph a 599? Your site doesn't say where you are based?

It says on the site that I charge travel expenses for anywhere outside of Surrey. I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible, do you not think that is clear enough?
Does that mean I get a free canvas :D

Site looking good george, but I think the text on the services page doesn't look professional, however it does put everything on a plate and is simple which is nice

Whats the detail deal?
Does that mean I get a free canvas :D

Site looking good george, but I think the text on the services page doesn't look professional, however it does put everything on a plate and is simple which is nice

Whats the detail deal?

If you pay the full price you do. It actually works out cheaper for you if you want the canvas :tu

I'll have a think about the typeface on the services page. I think it might look a little better if I just reduce the size.

I'm not sure of the exact deal for detailing, so I'll let Nathan respond :tu
This is a great photo! Makes my eyes dance all over and keep going back to car :D

I would like to ask why people like the industrial park backgrounds? Landscape, cityscape, landmarks, suggestive roads etc I can appreciate. Not a criticism, just a question.
Looking good George. I'd personally reduce the font size.

I never got round to refining the wording for you. Sorry got caught up with loads of other things this past week.

I'll try to get a post up tonight about the detail offer but its basically 15% off my detail price when I detail the car directly before the photo session.
This is a great photo! Makes my eyes dance all over and keep going back to car :D

I would like to ask why people like the industrial park backgrounds? Landscape, cityscape, landmarks, suggestive roads etc I can appreciate. Not a criticism, just a question.

On the whole my clients are actually very laid back so let me choose the locations. I tend to go for a variety of locations as if I didn't all my photos would be very similar. It's nice to have some variety in life!

I'm quite pleased with a location I've found which will work really well for Andy's Zonda near him. Will look very good :D
Once ive found a CSL ill be dropping you an email George. Im moving to Burton/Litchfield area so maybe we can tie in with when your at uni.

Site looks nice and simple/clear to navigate. As mentioned though I would look at other options for the text.
also im surprised you dont brand every photo. you never knew where they will get posted on the web and its always nice for them to refer back to you.
Once ive found a CSL ill be dropping you an email George. Im moving to Burton/Litchfield area so maybe we can tie in with when your at uni.

Site looks nice and simple/clear to navigate. As mentioned though I would look at other options for the text.

Sounds good :tu

I've now changed the font to a much smaller size. Big improvement, but might try to find a better font. :)
also im surprised you dont brand every photo. you never knew where they will get posted on the web and its always nice for them to refer back to you.

I probably should, but a) it's a bit more editing and I spend long enough editing photos as it is! And b) I think watermarks/logos can often look very distracting. And c) When people steal a photo you can send them an invoice. Has happened a few times and they've paid out happily both times.
I really like the front page, looks really professional, very polished but the services page looks a little tacky, doesn`t have the same impact that the front page does. The portfolio page is awesome but do think you need to watermark, even if it is small but understand your reluctance not to. I have a professional photographer friend who does a lot of equestrian events and has " given " images to a horses owner to later find them published in a magazine!! Now he watermarks everything unless you pay for the image and even then there are clauses about commercial use of the image. The conact page isn`t as polished as the front page either.
Hope it doesn`t sound like I`m tearing it to bits but I think the front page and portfolio pages have just set the bar so high.