LASIK - Laser Eye

I've heard good reports from friends who had it done at Moorfields Eye Hospital. No idea about cost now...
I had a consultation last Friday with Optimax in Southampton.
My eyes are L -0.5 and R + .25 with an astigmatism.

I have got glasses but rarely wear them becuase I find them a real pain, especially when in a single seat FPA car like yesterday at over 150mph and they are wobbling about with the wind coming up through your helmet!

Anyway, the surgeon said my eye sight isn't bad enough to warrant doing it, which I thought was very honest of him. Instead after talking and finding out more about it, my missus is now having it done as she wears contacts.

Here's the best bit, £895 for both eyes!!! and you can get it from

I kid you not. They came very highly recommended and after reading the feedback it made me more confident.

All they do is gap fill with what they sell on there!