How much Salt in Pizza !!! ????

Danger is all this quick fix food, convenience food, its just a minefield of crap for your body to deal with.
I walk around the UK and am amazed by the obesity Pandemic (or should that read Piedemic) thats got hold of us as a nation.
Young girls walking around with hipster jeans on with big folds hangin over the edges.
Whats that all about!!! that didnt exist 10 years ago, or not in such a way as today.

The usual excuses of inactive thyroid etc just dont wash. If thats the case, get some Thyroxine prescribed, job done.

Its more like a case of overactive cake gland than anything else.

Boils my piss it does.
working in the food game i get to see first hand whats going on and if the truth be know brittian makes the worst food in europe if not the world, the problem is the supermarket buyers they are putting pressure to make food cheaper and the manufure so in turn the ingredients that goes in are crap, tesco's are the worst for this, and all they want is promotions 2 for 1 and 50% extra free, but the truth be know people dont eat twice as much when they buy this they just through it out, so production looks good but land fills r just filling up, anyways getting back to salt, we as acompany took it on 5 years ago to reduce salt and have 75% less salt in our product than 5 years ago, so we replaced it with raw spices not oilio resins, this is a cheap way of flavouring they spray spice flavouring on to salt so intern its cheaper than real spices, salt is put in because 1: it improves flavour, 2: makes you tursty so you drink more ie: in a pub they put out cocktail sausages so you will drink more cause of the salt, 3: and the most important salt is a great carrier of water and water is the cheapest ingredient you can use so lowers the cost! also in england you can use a product call mrm (mecanicaly removed meat) what this is when they bone a chicken r pork they get all the bones and skin in to a badder machine( looks like a big toumble dryer) and it spins the meat around like a center fuse and sucks out all the marrow and cartilage and meat and then they mix a red coulor and salt to make a paste, this stuff is used in everything in england sausage ham pizza toppings chicken fillets pies and the list goes on, we cant use it over here so when we go selling in europe against the english manufactures we are out on price cause our product has meat in it so costing more, so only people that want to sell quailty will buy from us, i know its a bit long winded but if you want to eat good holsom food go to your local butcher, veg shop, farmers market and ask the question where has the food come from, you will get what you pay for, or grow your veg at home its piss easy to do, rant over ye will prob never eat again.
The best Chinese restos don't use MSG. You can taste MSG from the first mouthful if it's used...

Can't be many around though Ade, even when i had a meal in China town the other week, after looking up and down the streets of loads of restos, we thought we picked a 'high end' one....and it was no better than what i'd have got from my local tbh....

I have a good few Chinese friends, and they say these top places exist, but for some reason never share the info :dontknow: :D
Can't be many around though Ade, even when i had a meal in China town the other week, after looking up and down the streets of loads of restos, we thought we picked a 'high end' one....and it was no better than what i'd have got from my local tbh....

I have a good few Chinese friends, and they say these top places exist, but for some reason never share the info :dontknow: :D

Best place in Birmingham China town looks like a right dive - if I took you there you would wonder if I had gon e mad - food is out of this world no comparison to "normal" chink