How much Salt in Pizza !!! ????

Glenn Mc

Staff member
By Sky News SkyNews - Friday, October 19 06:31 am

Some meals from top fast food chains conceal "shockingly high" salt levels, researchers have found.

The worst contain more than double a child's recommended daily salt intake in a single meal, according to campaign group Consensus Action On Salt and Health.

Pizza Hut served up the saltiest dishes of the four fast food chains surveyed.

A family of four sharing one Pizza Hut "pizza plus" meal deal would each eat 12.3g of salt.

The amount is nearly 2.5 times the recommended daily maximum (5g) for seven to 10-year-olds.

Researchers surveyed 346 individual food and drink items and 264 advertised meal combinations at Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonald's and Burger King.

Of these, 21 menu items and 48 meal combinations were aimed specifically at children.

The saltiest children's meal deal was a Pizza Hut kids' chicken "wrap factory" plus soft drink at 4.3g of salt per portion - 142% of a four to six-year-old's daily maximum (3g).

A KFC kids' mini fillet burger meal was the second saltiest children's option at 3.5g per portion.

The children's meal with the lowest salt content was a McDonald's Happy Meal of chicken nuggets and a fruit bag at just 0.6g.

The majority of advertised standard sized meal deals at Burger King and KFC had lower levels of salt than the least salty options advertised by Pizza Hut.

Eating too much salt is linked to increased blood pressure, which in turn can cause strokes and heart attacks.

But a Pizza Hut spokesman said: "As well as focusing on our most indulgent products, this report also contains many factual inaccuracies."
Pizza hut is one of the most shockingly unhealthy meals you can eat.
They even spray the pizza's with oil to give them that glistening look.
Still hasnt stopped me eating a family sized stuffed crust pizza on my own. lol
It's when you start to look at the calories, salt and fat in respectable items you find on the high street, 500+ calories in a Pret-a-Manger sandwich, the same in a Starbucks Ham & Cheddar it's extremely worrying.

I've just returned from the US where everything was highly salted, over buttered, within two days I was reaching for the Zantac to deal with excessive heartburn. I then struggled to find vegetables untouched by these condiments. On my return I craved Broccoli and Cauliflower and even Broad beans :eek:

Are these 'processed' foods for the masses now so lacking in taste that oils, butter and salt are there to make them taste better or is it a ploy by the drinks manufacturers to increase our desire to quench our thirst?
I think even i would be overweight if i lived/worked in the States...

You can't buy anything there that hasn't been enhanced, supersized, sweetened or modified in some way....

The worst killer that is only just starting to make the headlines is these trans fats.....

These are are sooo bad for your body, but are in loads and loads of day to day stuff that we eat...especially these low fat spreads and butter substitutes, let alone processed, junk foods....
Good food in the USA. Big helpings! I had a salad in Houston and was told that if I could finish it, it would be free; needless to say, despite being delicious I couln't finish it.

Texas is great, as despite being overweight, I always felt slim there:D
The worst killer that is only just starting to make the headlines is these trans fats.....

Californians are wise to these and are demanding no TFAs in food, this is why I think there's now more salt, butter etc used in restaurant food, there need to create/replace the taste that these TFAs added to an otherwise bland meal.
Californians are wise to these and are demanding no TFAs in food, this is why I think there's now more salt, butter etc used in restaurant food, there need to create/replace the taste that these TFAs added to an otherwise bland meal.

I've heard that Canada, and some northern usa states are too......but as you say, they are replacing it with other nasties.....

If we weren't so used tho these tastes in the 1st place, there wouldn't be a problem.....we need to be weened off them ....

MSG - The Slow Poisoning Of America

MSG Hides Behind 25+ Names, Such As 'Natural Flavoring.'MSG Is Also In Your Favorite Coffee Shops And Drive-Ins

Try Chines food for this:eek:
Last time I was in NY there was an add playing on the radio constantly for the extra tripple cheese burger - beef "infused" with cheese between layers of cheesy bacon toped with a cheese sause in a cheese toped bun !

Why do the yanks but cheese on everything

Their diet is worse than terrible
I've heard that Canada, and some northern usa states are too......but as you say, they are replacing it with other nasties.....

If we weren't so used tho these tastes in the 1st place, there wouldn't be a problem.....we need to be weened off them ....


I was watching a US program about the state of food in the nation. They took a Twinkie (a bite sized cream filled sponge), 40-50 years ago this was a traditional sponge filled with proper cream, however it's shelf-life was crap, route and time to market limited. So they replaced the cream with a substitute, it lasted longer but the sponge went stale, they replaced the ingredients in the sponge, out went eggs replaced with a glycerine-based substitute etc etc all with the emphasis on cheap, long shelf-life.
MSG - The Slow Poisoning Of America

MSG Hides Behind 25+ Names, Such As 'Natural Flavoring.'MSG Is Also In Your Favorite Coffee Shops And Drive-Ins

Try Chines food for this:eek:

I thought there are some legal guidlines on the the use of MSG actually ??

Yes, i have shy'd away from Chinese food from its over use now, and this is why i find Thai food so much more refreshing, and doesn't leave you feeling yucky and wanting to drink 2 litres of water afterwards...

I was watching a US program about the state of food in the nation. They took a Twinkie (a bite sized cream filled sponge), 40-50 years ago this was a traditional sponge filled with proper cream, however it's shelf-life was crap, route and time to market limited. So they replaced the cream with a substitute, it lasted longer but the sponge went stale, they replaced the ingredients in the sponge, out went eggs replaced with a glycerine-based substitute etc etc all with the emphasis on cheap, long shelf-life.

Yep, i think this is one of the reasons things have gone so wrong, as we have this massive need for shelf they are pumped full of crap to do so..

Actually eating some of the age old fats etc, are now being more encouraged (in moderation), as at least they have more natural fats and ingredients....real butter being a prime example...
I thought there are some legal guidlines on the the use of MSG actually ??

Yes, i have shy'd away from Chinese food from its over use now, and this is why i find Thai food so much more refreshing, and doesn't leave you feeling yucky and wanting to drink 2 litres of water afterwards...


Just ask for it without MSG! Julie gets a red chest and heart palpitations when she eats food with MSG, our local Chinese are more than prepared to cook without it and know exactly with dished are preprepared with MSG.
Just ask for it without MSG! Julie gets a red chest and heart palpitations when she eats food with MSG, our local Chinese are more than prepared to cook without it and know exactly with dished are preprepared with MSG.

Really ???, never even thought of it, do they replace it with any others nasties salt for example ???

Great idea though...

Crickey all this talk of healthy food is making me want to go down the pub early today!

Salted peanuts with me pint of Wife Beater :tu
Crickey all this talk of healthy food is making me want to go down the pub early today!

Salted peanuts with me pint of Wife Beater :tu

Do it properly man, gotta be Pork Scratchings :yum:

You DO NOT, want to know the baddies in those babies though :finger

....but i am partial to the odd bag or two :shame:
Really ???, never even thought of it, do they replace it with any others nasties salt for example ???

Great idea though...


No, it's just a flavour enhancer, you might find the food less salty, less traditional Western/Chinese tasting but you can taste the vegetables, the meat etc. It doesn't leave you feeling bloated and two hours later wanting the same again ;)
I looked up the effects of MSG and they can be quite horrid. It also creates a greater appetite. Some of symptoms described in this thread are those related to MSG

I like wine :D

Everything is bad for us :cry