GT2 - Been busy this weekend....

I'll try this one...

do you use the 'insert image' button - 5th from right bottom row above text entry box when creating / replying to a message?


It worked - thanks mate - I am a techno-numpty as everyone realises ! - now to get some better piccies with the new camera !

thanks again for the coaching ! i owe you one !
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Aren't Midnight Blue GT2s just perfect ? :yum: :yum:

Lovely looking car Red Five.......................

Damon, many thanks for cleaning the car again after I'd "enjoyed" it last week.
An excellent job as usual.
Don't forget to send me details for QD spray will you ?
RedFive, I use for posting my pics.

Click on browse to view the pictures on your computer.

Click on the image you want to upload and then on open.

Then click the upload button (depending on the file size, the image may take upto a couple of minutes to load)

Then cut and paste from the "IMG link for forums and bulletin boards" to the reply box like so.......


It's "un morceau de pee pee" as the French say :dance1: :thumbsup2:
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