Getting a kart...

2007 Gillard 010 rolling chassis with slick wheels & tyres
Ogden prepared and sealed Rotax FR125 Max engine
Red Unico 08 CIK bodywork with Gillard decal set
XL Tillet seat
Front & Rear Torsion bar set

Price: £2,338.00

Optional S/H extras: Alfano £169.00, Kelgate brake system £322.00 (both fitted)
2007 Gillard 010 rolling chassis with slick wheels & tyres
Ogden prepared and sealed Rotax FR125 Max engine
Red Unico 08 CIK bodywork with Gillard decal set
XL Tillet seat
Front & Rear Torsion bar set

Price: £2,338.00

Optional S/H extras: Alfano £169.00, Kelgate brake system £322.00 (both fitted)


H.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you NEED that brake - remember the karts without the Kelgate were much slower

Alfano is a must as well I guess or how will you get set up info ?
tell me more ?? can't decide if there is any advantage me getting my own vs just using Daves arive and drive ?? got a Kelgate brake on yours ??

It's not really about saving money...

I just want to maximize my time at these test you can see from the last one we did, they are going to be very busy now, so want to spend more time at the wheel.....

This is cheap as chips compared to Porsche costs as you know, and Dave will run it for me, so i won't have to worry about getting oil under my nails :finger

It's the same as the Blue ones i think, and i think i have got the better brakes too....

Will be great if we can get out together...

This will save me money in the long run, as it will be one less trackday per month at £1k per day :D

any good ? or is Gillard the only chassis worth getting ?

There are a number of good chassis's on the market, but the problem with buying second hand is that It's not just the age of the chassis and condition but alot has to do with the amount of use it's had and wether it's still straight.

The grip comes from the chassis flexing, hence heavy usage and or damage will result in the chassis lossing performance and/or being tweaked out of alignment.

I took our laser alignment equipment with us when we went to view Glenn's kart to check out that it's straight and looked underneath the chassis to see what sort of usage it had suffered from, it was really clean and had only done 8 meetings in total.

Ideally you want to buy a chassis used by a junior or minimax driver as these will have suffered far less stress as these guys only weigh around 8 - 9 stone. The fast guys will run at least 2 if not 3 chassis a year for maximum pace, really you need to buy a kart with no more than a seasons use.

Gillard are one of the very best and are both European and World Champions and are very user friendly to use and set up which is why we have choose them and the advantage of you guys having the same chassis is that we carry all of the spares for them in the lorry hence we can offer full support.

If you purchase another make and suffer any failures or accident damage it would proberly mean that you would have to miss the rest of the day where as if you run a Gillard we will be able to support you.

When Rob rolled the kart last week he bent the following parts: rear axle, steering column, steering wheel, rear hub, rear wheel and nassau panel, we could have rebuilt the kart on site as we carry all of these parts with us if needed :)
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let me know what you find for me then please Dave

What does a new one cost ?

Clive, I’ve listed out below the same equipment as above but all brand new.

New 2008 Gillard 010 with Senior FR125 max engine: £3,396.00 + vat
New Alfano + sensors/cables: £199.00 + vat
New Kelgate brake + mounting kit: £536.00 + vat

Total cost: £4,131.00 + vat = £4,853.93

Spare Parts

To give you an idea on running costs I’ve listed out the price of the most common parts for you;

Sprockets: £10
Chains: £18.00
Tyres: SL6 slicks £88 + W2 wets £102 (slicks should last 3 – 4 days practice)
Sparkplugs: £10.50
Brake pads: £25.00
Clutch: £105
2-stroke oil: £11 per litre
Engine rebuild (once a year depending on usage) £450

I've got 2 new 2008 / 010B's coming in the next week or so as they've been on order since January, that's the only trouble with Gillard's because they are so popular there is alway's a waiting list for them, last year we waited 3 months :eek:

Anyway if you're interested in a new one I would do you a discounted deal or if we end up running a new one for the boy's we will have our own late 2007 models available for sale if you do want a second hand one :)
Anyway if you're interested in a new one I would do you a discounted deal or if we end up running a new one for the boy's we will have our own late 2007 models available for sale if you do want a second hand one :)

Is that "blue 17" ? or do you have other karts that are the boys race machines ?
Is that "blue 17" ? or do you have other karts that are the boys race machines ?

We have 4 Gillard 010's, 3 are 2007 models and 1 is a late 2006.

Jonny has 2 x blue 17 both are the same senior spec with kelgate brakes etc.

Jamie has one blue 16 senior with a kelgate and one red 16 which was his junior spec race kart that we have now fitted a new senior engine to as well but still has the standard Gillard brake.

We run the spare karts so that in wet and dry conditions they have one of each for practice and race day over the weekend which saves lots of work when the weathers bad.

The blue 17 you were driving last week is the late 2006 chassis which has only been used as Jonny's spare in 07.

The newest 07 chassis was purchased last October so depending on what budget you have to spend you could select which ever one you want.