Flu Jab!


King Kong
Everybody and his dog is having this at the moment!, should I?, why have I not been contacted? whats going on?, am I going to die?:dontknow:
I'd recommend having it.
We have 9 people on intensive care with swine flu (confirmed) ages ranging from 30 yrs upwards.

If nothing else, if you rely on any other self-employed work, it could seriously effect your income as it will level you for a week or two.
I'd recommend having it.
We have 9 people on intensive care with swine flu (confirmed) ages ranging from 30 yrs upwards.

If nothing else, if you rely on any other self-employed work, it could seriously effect your income as it will level you for a week or two.

I was off for nearly two weeks, as soon as I was diagnosed (well self-assessment via NHS direct) I couldn't go anywhere near work, worked out quite well for me :tu
have had swine and seasonal........and survived!!!!...achey arms and joints, a bit headachey, but way way better than getting the flu!!!

anyone can go and buy an ordinary flu jab....(£15.00) at our local private surgery.....but I don't think you can privately buy the swine flu and unless you have a health problem, or in frontline staff as fas as I am aware you can't get it.....

frontline NHS staff are expected to have the jabs......but most of my practice have refused.....(blame the media I say, for muck spreading)