F1 Monaco Incident


The other teams talked about lodging complaints.. Bet nuffin comes of them tho' :wall
DaveB said:
cheating bastard more like

wot an arrogant twat

Absa-bloody-lutely, if he'd done it by accident he would have apologised to teh other drivers in teh press con, anyway a driver of his ability woul dnever make a fundamental mistake like that.

I'd just about come round to forgiving him for driving into DH and now he does that - they SHOULD throw the book at him - but they wont - he is who he is and Ferrari are who they are - grandees, they'll egt away with it, but F1 will be the poorer for it.:wall
slider said:
Absa-bloody-lutely, if he'd done it by accident he would have apologised to teh other drivers in teh press con, anyway a driver of his ability woul dnever make a fundamental mistake like that.

I'd just about come round to forgiving him for driving into DH and now he does that - they SHOULD throw the book at him - but they wont - he is who he is and Ferrari are who they are - grandees, they'll egt away with it, but F1 will be the poorer for it.:wall
Slider are you on the piss mate...or have you got very fat fingers and small keyboard...

Not that I can talk, my spelling is complete shite...

Be interesting to see what happens about it, prob fcukall...I hope he goes out...

Ok....If the Poll Positions stay...who's gonna win tomorrow then...
He knew how important grid position is at Monaco as overtaking is impossible so am sure it was on purpose
Dare one say..."cheat"...wouldn't be the first time....Adelaide '94....Jerez '97.....and he is the only one who can, and will, get away with it :wall
Schuy...got poll position 5 mins approx from end of qualifing...

There where serveral cars out on the last lap aiming for good times and Alonso was doing better than Schuy on the previous sectors...

Then Schuy did this silly oops I might not stop move and caused the yellow flag so the other guys had to slow down, so stopped them from doing a good time so he is def on poll...

But in the press room afterwards he was really sheepish and was trying to explain (very badly) what happened...so obvious he did it on purpose....
Looked deliberate to me.
It won't make any difference though.

I wonder if there may be a few cars out tomorrow at the first corner.
If I've finished polishing the car, I might watch the first lap (then just look up the result on Teletext, it's the only way to watch it;) , all the excitement and the result with none of the boring bits in between).
I don't believe it. Back of the grid!

Anyway, there is still 12 hours of appeals and legal arguments, plus bungs, bribes and other dodginess before the race. So it may change again before the start.
I agree it looks bloody suspicious, but likewise, what evidence did the marshalls have that he did it on purpose....... :confused: Its incidents like this that damage F1 without a doubt. :(
Guys, do you think if it had been anyone else, would they've got the same punishment? Or even an enquiry?