Driving can be so much fun...


Boy Racer
So yesterday I got back from Munich with the 7 series and I had one of the best drives I have had yet in my life on the Autobahn...

Stopped for petrol and then got onto the Autobahn, had 350 miles to go, then a Audi A8 3.0 Diesel overtakes me, so of course I went after it, we have been driving like maniacs all the time for those 350 miles until I had to leave the Autobahn to get home, it was such a great drive, always full throttle, undertaking and some other things I don't want to mention...

Anyhow, I always staid behind the car as the driver did all the work, I just followed, so finally after 349 miles of fun I overtook the car to say bye as I had to leave the Autobahn, and guess what, a woman, I would say in her early 60's is sat in the car with a young girl (maybe 15 years old or so), has a massive smile on her face and waves back at me...

I literally pissed myself laughing as I just thought it was hillarious! :rofl:

It was such a great drive, everything was always under control, no dangerous or unsave situations, just great driving... I wish I could do it again as I type this...

The funniest moment was when there was a 2 way Autobahn and suddenly a Lorry started to overtake another one, so I slammed on the breakes, because I thought that I can't use the hard shoulder as I did not know what the A8 driver would say... so I drive there with 50 behind the lorry, and guess who passes us on the hard shoulder at full throttle? That's right, my 60 year old friend! :rofl:

Sorry, just had to get this off my chest... one of the best drives I had in a long time.