as a thank you for being so nice to me coming in here, I thought I would offer you guys an exclusive

A three hour, one or two driver race on the Donington National Circuit on Sunday 2nd August, with at least 45 Mins qualifying (and there will be some free practice as well) AND its not every day you get to race at a meeting where the Race Director of the WEC and Le Mans 24 Hour is a guest official !!!! (imagine his signature on your upgrade card! ha ha )

The minimum entry fee for this was £975* but as a "welcome" to PGT we will let you in for £875* (THATS A WHOOPING ONE HUNDRED OFF!!!!)

You must get your entry in by JULY 29 in order to benefit from this offer!** quote : PGT360 in the PROMO CODE box on your entry

Entries can be a single car, or you can have a relay with two cars in also.

Classes are first by age, but subject to qualifying and power are split fairly from what is in the race so that you all have something to race for.

go online to or pm me or call 0333 444 1 360

Claire Smith

* Excluding VAT
** This offer is only open to NEW entries and not to existing entries that have already been received.

Would love to do one in the future but for this one;

1. I'm on holiday
2. Duncan might be put out as that wold mean 2 cars in his class and not the usual 1 :)
I'd also love to...but Charlie's doing London Ride 100 that day and a) I'd like to be with him and b) I'd like him to co-drive when I do it!

Next time!
Might drop you a line re: ARDS. Might do mine this year.

Do it on 4th august with mark and Charlie. We're taking his race mini and doing the afternoon at oulton in it once they're finished doing Ards in the morning...
I'd be interested in this but have a concert to go to in Buxton that evening, any information on the timetable yet Claire?

I'd be interested in this but have a concert to go to in Buxton that evening, any information on the timetable yet Claire?


Matt could have my itB mx5 out for you and a couple other drivers (Hasib ?) if you were interested ? has ATL filler and bomb proof reliability -
I'll offer this to some of my guys, where would a Lotus Exige V6 fit in the regs? Can a GT4 car race?

There may be another Lotus Exige in actually ....just waiting on I said, goes by age first then by qualifying and power against whats in the actual race