Hello again. I promised it wouldn't be as long between posts this time but I think this is a record for me.. 2 in 2 days 
Best way to keep up with my work is to follow me on Facebook or Twitter where I regularly post photos of the work as I'm doing it.
Previous Writeup: 

and now on instgram.
Change to 720p for the best viewing. Either click this link (http://youtu.be/aRWpc986YBc) or watch embedded in the window below.
Can't be many people with all three of these in their collection and I feel lucky to have been asked to detail them all.
Like the F40, this F50 was detailed last year so I thought it was about time I posted it up.
Slightly shorter write up on this car. It had recently been delivered to the customer from the dealer and he had not yet driven it and as the hardtop was off (i.e. it wasn't water tight) it was decided that we wouldn't wash the car but instead remove the wheels and clean these separately as they were they only really dirty parts that couldn't just be wiped clean.
Hardtop roof polished separately and stored back in its travel case.
The car was sympathetically machine polished with the flex vrg3401. Due to the delicate nature of the paint, the age of the car and the fact it is not a garage queen but will be used several times a year I decided not to chase every single deep scratch but rather to aim for 90% correction which would still make a dramatic difference.
50/50 of the carbon arch. Only a subtle difference but still worth doing
The whole car was given a coat of Vintage wax, final dressings applied, interior cleaned and 40 working hrs later it was all finished.
Many thanks for looking.

Best way to keep up with my work is to follow me on Facebook or Twitter where I regularly post photos of the work as I'm doing it.

and now on instgram.
Change to 720p for the best viewing. Either click this link (http://youtu.be/aRWpc986YBc) or watch embedded in the window below.
Can't be many people with all three of these in their collection and I feel lucky to have been asked to detail them all.
Like the F40, this F50 was detailed last year so I thought it was about time I posted it up.
Slightly shorter write up on this car. It had recently been delivered to the customer from the dealer and he had not yet driven it and as the hardtop was off (i.e. it wasn't water tight) it was decided that we wouldn't wash the car but instead remove the wheels and clean these separately as they were they only really dirty parts that couldn't just be wiped clean.

Hardtop roof polished separately and stored back in its travel case.

The car was sympathetically machine polished with the flex vrg3401. Due to the delicate nature of the paint, the age of the car and the fact it is not a garage queen but will be used several times a year I decided not to chase every single deep scratch but rather to aim for 90% correction which would still make a dramatic difference.



50/50 of the carbon arch. Only a subtle difference but still worth doing

The whole car was given a coat of Vintage wax, final dressings applied, interior cleaned and 40 working hrs later it was all finished.

Many thanks for looking.
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