Basic Care Kit for your car


King Kong
Hello everyone.

Following on from the Wash Guide, I thought it would be useful to provide some information on a basic maintenance product set...


Meguires Wheel brush - £6.95
Sonus Gloss Shampoo - £7.95
Microfibre wash mitt x 2- £11.90
Sonus Der Wunder Drying Towel, Pkg/2 - £18.95
Sonus Carnauba Spritz - £10.95
Sonus Der Wunder Polishing Towel, Pkg/2 - £8.95

That's a total of £65.65, but don't forget the PureGT discount code (check Keep it in the Club forum).

There are dozen’s of alternative products, but these are the ones I would recommend as a good balance between quality and cost. I certainly wouldn’t recommend using cheaper alternatives to maintain one of my details.

All of the above are available from and don't forget to enter the PureGT discount code :tu
Been checking out there basic care kit and its been out of stock.

Also a couple of those bits in that first post are also out of stock for now..

Is this orderable under one code or do we have to go and order the whole lot seperately. If the answer is the latter than why not bundle it all under a 'basic wash kit' and then have something the the intermediate and then advanced (ie include claybars) ? I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this will be much simpler and that it may attract more buyers.


EDIT: Bugger, DMC has answered my question!
Damon can you get him to put together a kit of stuff that you recommend.. ? And do his best price (to include 2 buckets ;) everything i need to keep the CSL in trim.. ;)
Already on order, as is the nodding dog from the insurance ads, the furry dice, the undercar neon lights., and the bouncing suspension..... did i miss anything ?
For the members that have Carnuaba finishes I'd recommend getting some Swissol from the Swissol Store at

I used the Swissol Pneu at the weekend and its the best tyre and rubber finisher I've come across


I'll write a thread listing the items I recommend for all areas of car :tu
Right then I have spoken to Tim

Kit will be added to his online shop today, I will post a link when he sends it to me