Bad Feet anyone...


Odin, Father of the North
My feet are not good in the heat, come to think of it they are not good most of the year round...

Anyone else had this, small water blisters 2mm dia that itch...just on my instep...

anyone know of a cure...
Chris said:
My feet are not good in the heat, come to think of it they are not good most of the year round...

Anyone else had this, small water blisters 2mm dia that itch...just on my instep...

anyone know of a cure...

Cotton socks & proper fitting, breathable shoes.
I had that once, really itchy, but i soaked them for 30 minutes in hot (not boiling) water. Then applied tea tree oil from Boots, never came back. Get some gel insoles from Scholl.
Thanks guys have tried a number of things....I think it's also caused by stress too...
You sure its not just good old athlete's foot ? Solved by a quick blast of the special talc. ?
Just go soak them in the sea.
Salt water helps lots of skin ailments.

Good in the hot weather too.
I've always looked after my feet, and always go bare foot when I can...always dry between me pinkys....I went to the quacks years ago and he said it was Stress, but I'm not that stressed these days in comparison...just can't shake it off completely
Chris said:
I've always looked after my feet, and always go bare foot when I can...always dry between me pinkys....I went to the quacks years ago and he said it was Stress, but I'm not that stressed these days in comparison...just can't shake it off completely

I think it's old age :evil: :p
damian said:
Can someone delete/move this thread it's putting me off my dinner :scared:
Sorry mate....

what are you having for dinner...pasta, with grated Parmigiano
Chris said:
Sorry mate....

what are you having for dinner...pasta, with grated Parmigiano

Steak & kidney pie, that would set most people off anyway, no need for sore feet stories there.. :finger :p