Any God botherers in here ?

Alice R.

Boy Racer
I had to explain my reason for being a non believer today, when i refused to attend a many of you believe ?

I do not fall for the biggest lie ever told ...............why is it that if you pray to God it is acceptable as a reasonable thing to do,but if you then claim he answered you back, you will be branded a mental case ?

If you pray to whoever tonight, just hope they don't return the call !!!

If the new Pope in his easter message declared, " We are going to sell all this jewellery, all the artifacts etc etc, sell off the Vatican land and all its assets, and use the money to feed and cloth the poor", he would be a cool dude.

I very much doubt this will happen any time soon.

I know i am in the minority, but millions followed Hitler !
I agree that the Catholic church (and others) undermine their position when they are sitting on billions, yet tell others to contribute their hard earned and help.
I disagree with institutionalised religions, since, for me they are about power, influence and the trappings of wealth. None of which are terribly godly.

For me, religion is a personal thing. You do not need a building or a peice of land or someone else to tell you what to do. You can read the teachings of various people and make up your own mind, then make your own peace with the world around you.

I think many people find it hard to believe that this is all there is, so need some crutch on which to lean. This is the need on which the religions feed.
However, this does not mean that I think everyone should be ungodly. Some rules, customs and principles are clearly needed.
A lot of this new age nonsense and psuedo science is more dangerous than the religions.

I do find it curious that some people in the past claimed to be prophets and people believed them, yet do this today and you're locked up.
The difference is only time, reporting, cynicism and scientific method.

However, the US shows how it is possible for charlatans and hypocrites to build a large followings with the correct presentation and lack of morals.
When the last Pope passed away and we were in the "coloured smoke" stage in the proceedings, a grown man was interviewed on TV, tears streaming down his face........"I am so happy we have a new Pope" he cried, literally, as the smoke changed colour.

Now forgive me for being thick, but what possible benefit, change, consequence or otherwise is the new Pope going to have on this guys life ?...............absolutely none, nothing.

Now that i find scary.
When the last Pope passed away and we were in the "coloured smoke" stage in the proceedings, a grown man was interviewed on TV, tears streaming down his face........"I am so happy we have a new Pope" he cried, literally, as the smoke changed colour.

Now forgive me for being thick, but what possible benefit, change, consequence or otherwise is the new Pope going to have on this guys life ?...............absolutely none, nothing.

Now that i find scary.

religion has selective logic
Perhaps he was happy that the institution of the Papacy continued, that God had found a worthy representative on Earth.
In my opinion. The church in the majority has absolutely nothing to do with God. There are a few exceptions of truly humble, just and true people in the church, but they are the exception. I believe in God and the message that Jesus delivered, but i dont believe in religion as we have it today. Everyone's free to make their own choice in my opinion and i dont direspect anyone for believing what they believe unless it conrtavenes my or anyone else's human rights or opresses anyone else.

Bit of a can of worms you've opened here mate.... ;)
Forgive my cynicism, but only a few weeks go by until ANOTHER Bishop/Rev/Vicar/Right rev/ is up on charges of interfering with minors, and it is always ALWAYS claimed it has been going on 30 years.

Would you let a man of the cloth babysit your children, girl age 9 boy age 11 ?
Forgive my cynicism, but only a few weeks go by until ANOTHER Bishop/Rev/Vicar/Right rev/ is up on charges of interfering with minors, and it is always ALWAYS claimed it has been going on 30 years.

Would you let a man of the cloth babysit your children, girl age 9 boy age 11 ?

They are only human, just because they follow the path 'given' to them by God doesn't make them immune to the lowlife, perverted characteristics of the rest of society. A small minority casting a cloud over the rest of a generally wonderful bunch :(
They are only human, just because they follow the path 'given' to them by God doesn't make them immune to the lowlife, perverted characteristics of the rest of society. A small minority casting a cloud over the rest of a generally wonderful bunch :(

I note you chose not to answer my question !
Until you get to know that person you wouldn't, commonsense should prevail.....I hope.

This would be my answer.
However, the point is that a man of god, who teaches others about moral standards and godfearing behaviour, should be above suspicion.
The fact that they are not gives lie to their positioning as following a calling and serving a higher purpose.

I have never met any church person who was not a little strange.
This would be my answer.
However, the point is that a man of god, who teaches others about moral standards and godfearing behaviour, should be above suspicion.
The fact that they are not gives lie to their positioning as following a calling and serving a higher purpose.

A man of God, or a life-long job with great accommodation? Cynical yes, but in this day and age some degree of truth :rolleyes:
This is the sort of conversation I end up having with the in-laws! They are part of the god-squad.
Having been raised very much with the church, every Sunday twice untill I was 16 ,then confirmed it is something I have given much thought to.

My conclusion, whatever relig you belong to, regardless of what it is, is political movement, with its own goals, some very bad, just look at the shit going on at the moment.

As relgion is so ambiguous, you can fit it to whatever you want, so no real truth in following a church as such, as again they are slanted to their own benefit, and not that of mankind.

What I beleive is what I believe, and it doesnt matter either way, however food for thought:-

If God did exist, and he created humanity in his own image, and gave them the ability to think for themselves and set their own destiny; Would he then present himself factual or otherwise to us?

What benefit to God would this be?
None, the only thing we possibly have is faith; which essentialy means potentially believing in something that cant be seen touched or proved.

So we make our choices in life based on our inherent spirit, our goodness if you wish, and if there was a God, I would imagine this would have been its plan!

Self Determination is only possible when you have nothing, however faith is intangiable, and exists in each of us, some call it religon, many call it confidence, some call it soul, it is what makes us what we are, you dont have to beleive in God, just in the fact that you personally make a difference, and your actions have ramifications on others; once this is accepted you then have a concience; and there is what I believe gives root to all these different religeons.

pardon my spelling, its late and I am in to my 2nd bottle of wine, and cant spell at the best of times:rolleyes:
In my opinion. The church in the majority has absolutely nothing to do with God. There are a few exceptions of truly humble, just and true people in the church, but they are the exception. I believe in God and the message that Jesus delivered, but i dont believe in religion as we have it today. Everyone's free to make their own choice in my opinion and i dont direspect anyone for believing what they believe unless it conrtavenes my or anyone else's human rights or opresses anyone else.

Bit of a can of worms you've opened here mate.... ;)

Good POV.

'Religion' has almost nothing to do with true Christianity - certainly not the kind of faith-based-Christianity spoken of in the Bible.

Sadly, the 'religious' church formed around 325AD (Council of Nicaea) was created as one of social and political control and had nothing to do with Biblical Christianity. Formalised religion selectively used the Bible to control the uneducated (most of whom couldn't read at the time), and to create a man-fearing twisted apology - a convenience you could say - against true faith and to counter the concern that the public would fear God (ie, true God-fearing Christianity) more than central politics (ie, man). Ever since then, countless wars/tragedies have happened in the 'name of God'... all of which have only served to distance more people from God.

God never wanted people to be distant from him; in fact, the complete opposite. Being open to God draws you nearer to him, not away; just in the same way that being open to a loving person draws you closer to them, not away. Note that the first action is incumbent on us 'to be open'.

The contrapositive to what DMC says is that the true church has very little to do with 'religion'. But the true church has everything to do with God.

The world today has become so sanitised or anti-God without many actually knowing God against whom they speak. One of the greatest challenges for many Christians is to actively demonstrate/share their faith without being chastised/segregated/sidelined/or prejudiced against. This is most true in the workplace where I have known many once-upon-a-time God-fearing friends succumb to the Godless-peer pressure of colleagues and become more man-fearing rather than God-fearing in order to gain acceptance. Many people believe in 'whatever suits them' - because it is convenient... in essence, they have placed themselves above God.

Yes, I believe in God. He was the best decision I ever made. God has been a bedrock for me in my life, and I am regularly humbled by his awesomeness, my relative incapacity, and his love. I'm definitely not perfect (heck, who is?)... and that's exactly why I need him.

The only thing I say to religion is that I believe the catholics are more religious and with the pope, because he is there to touch, he exists, you can look at him, view him etc.
No one who is alive right now on this planet has ever seen Jesus or God, so it's faith, yes.
But if the pope says something I believe people take it more seriously as he is there, alive and talking.

Just my opinion on this.

I share DMC's opinion on religion thouhg.
So in the basic scheme of things you have Catholics, Muslims and Jews, the rest are all spins off's just like Burger king jumping on McDonalds glory for the holy grail of fast food.

Jewish = somewhere in the region of 1000 BC
Christianity = well plucked up and could not make its mind up what to be
Islam = 679 AD or there abouts, some dude decided to pinch all the good stuff from the Jews book and the Christian's stuff and create the quran, just to make some money, because before he bacame the Prophet "Muhammed" he was flat broke

Just to add a bit of spice "Jehovas Witnesses" never been sure what they witnessed, but it started in 1546AD ot there abouts.....

I'm with you all the way Alice

The bible is undermined in it's claims to be the word of god by the omission of certain parts during it's initial creation and subsequent selective editing. It is the work of man.
It has also been translated and no dount loses some of the initial meaning.

The stories are there to illustrate certain points. To take it at face value it dangerous and is the cause of some issues.

Other religions use certain stories to illustrate points.

It is generally accepted that are certain rights and wrongs. There are good and bad ways to live your life. For the benefit of society it is better if people follow these rules.
It is what civilisation is all about.

It is in the details that they differ. Personally I think it cannot really matter if you pray once, twice or three times a day, once a week, or not at all, which direction you face, whether you stand kneel, or lie on the floor, whether you burn incense, wear red, black, white or whatever robes, etc. These rituals are only about trying to create a society in which people feel a sense of belonging.

Since all religions tell people to be nice to each other, I have never been able to understand why they cause so many wars.
Clearly the meaning has been lost and corrupted by the servants of each religion.

Personally I think it is about being at one with yourself, having a clear conscience, and appreciating what is around you. However people achieve this is up to them.