Announcement RE:Donate....

Glenn Mc

Staff member

With the recent movement of the donate button we would like to restate the aim of PureGT.

Ideally any additional funds generated will fund social gatherings, or a PGT Track Day for members only with a social event afterwards.

We want to assure you we will be 100% transparent at all times, if anyone want's to know any details of the running costs and funding to date we will share this information.

We want the members to be happy with everything we do without the concern of commercial gain by the directors.
We will strive to make PGT a place for Petrol heads and a community that looks forward to meetings and events of any nature.

Please feel free to contact any of the Pure GT team if you have any questions.

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Ok - I've heard that the directors are going on a holiday to Mauritius next year , payed for by the proceeds of a few sponsorships. Is this true and if so, can I come ? :evil:

I like the term 'Ideally' btw - that applies to alot of things in my life too. For example 'ideally', I'd like to roast Girls Aloud but the 'reality' is that they won't let me (I've asked several times).

I'm calling the Fraud Squad..... I'll see you all in court!

Glenn....the frame of words above were not written by you were they? - go on - be honest

I know 'Glenn Speak' and that isnt 'Glenn Speak' - but you have been appointed the most neutral party by the PGT Directors as you give out the most 'trustworthy' demeanour.

Who wrote the speil :p .... I bet it was Dave.

Glenn....the frame of words above were not written by you were they? - go on - be honest

I know 'Glenn Speak' and that isnt 'Glenn Speak' - but you have been appointed the most neutral party by the PGT Directors as you give out the most 'trustworthy' demeanour.

Who wrote the speil :p .... I bet it was Dave.



Strike 1.

That 'donate' button is very close to the 'New Posts' button. Interesting place to put it as someone could easily press it by mistake when looking to see what new posts there are and then feel obliged to make a donation (not that I am reading anything into the location of said button I must add) ;)
Hey Mods, when is the 'pay per post' scheme being launched on here ?

Just interested, thats all

...Any idea on the tariff yet ? - will we see a sliding scale of charges based on volume etc ?
Hey Mods, when is the 'pay per post' scheme being launched on here ?

Just interested, thats all

...Any idea on the tariff yet ? - will we see a sliding scale of charges based on volume etc ?

Shut it you whinging little turd:finger

Just get your company credit card out, and push that button, so all us mods can have a knees up at our local Mcdonalds:rolleyes:

And i need some new tyres for the TT :)

It's all about the inches with you isn't it Max eh :)

I've got a few spare... :D

But where is this new post button? :out

*That picture not suitable for this section - Deleted by DMC Mon 11 Dec, 08.15 *
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Hey Mods, when is the 'pay per post' scheme being launched on here ?

Just interested, thats all

...Any idea on the tariff yet ? - will we see a sliding scale of charges based on volume etc ?
Steve, I know your just having a laff, but thats not really helpful... is it. :finger