997 GT2....any idea

Not heard any firm info yet, but current latest rumour mill from good sources is that it'll be announced this Spring for delivery in Autumn this year, as an '08 Model Year (ie post the Summer factory shutdown).

I'd be surprised if it was less than the old price, which was £126k for the Mk2, unless Porsche have a real change of heart about intended sales volumes.

Not heard any firm info yet, but current latest rumour mill from good sources is that it'll be announced this Spring for delivery in Autumn this year, as an '08 Model Year (ie post the Summer factory shutdown).

I'd be surprised if it was less than the old price, which was £126k for the Mk2, unless Porsche have a real change of heart about intended sales volumes.


Thanks for that Chap..:tu
Thinking of one Chris ????

It will be an awesome car for sure, but i don't know if i'd sink that kind of dough into one, if the 996 versions residuals are anything to go by...:eek:

Come to think of it, why was the 996 GT2 so much more expensive than a TT, when the TT must be more expensive to manufacture due to fwd system etc ????

or was it the usual Porsche marketing stuff ??

I am keeping an open mind on the 997GT2, it is a lot of dosh but then again it`s a lot of car. I think to buy into the GT2 one year on from launch date is going to be the best bet and pick one up for 80k ish.

Off to see Mickey Mouse again,
Bye from a very wet Disney,

I am keeping an open mind on the 997GT2, it is a lot of dosh but then again it`s a lot of car. I think to buy into the GT2 one year on from launch date is going to be the best bet and pick one up for 80k ish.

Off to see Mickey Mouse again,
Bye from a very wet Disney,


A tad hopeful there chap....no way it's going to drop £50k in a year...:finger