
So Poo

Ring Warrior
I have just seen some blue sky! Christ - I thought it wasn't ever going to stop raining. Just in time to go to work tomorrow. :(
I can see some blue sky... I can even see a sunset... But its on a photo above the computer... :(
In between the low flying clouds and he horizon is a postbox shaped sliver of a view. I can just see some some orangey bit of cloud as the sun prepares to set.

Not bad for 2 days. Once glimpse of sun.

Fecking weather. We have 1 more holiday before Christmas.

If it is not warm for the next bank holiday, screw global warming, I am going to burn everything I can find.
Chucked the wife and kids in the car and drove to the Forest of Dean. Absolutely gorgeous weather, sun was out most of the afternoon, walked up to Symonds Yat Rock and down to the river for an afternoon pub lunch.

Anyone else out in Gloucestershire?:) Wasn't busy either.

This pic was taken 4 hours ago

Simon - you lucky git, I cam't be more than 20 miles from there and it hasn't stopped raining all day.

I drove past your house today on the way to Junction 9 of the M5 Ashchurch. I did beep as i went past but the curtains didn't move. Car needs a clean btw:rolleyes:

Then we drove down the M5 to Gloucester and along the A40 into the Forest of Dean. It's very hilly and the cloud was broken, lots of blue sky which seemed to just linger over Symonds Yat. Fab day, think we just had a pocket. When we drove back towards your gaff it started raining:wall
Well at Least someone had a nice day - the car got filthy today on the way to Birmingham, will give it a clean! ;)
THIS IS TAKING THE PISS! :out :out :out :out

Now it is Tuesday and we have to go back to work, the Sun is out, it's not windy and nice and comfortable!

FFS, I think whoever is responsible for the weather is just taking the piss out of us and is laughing his arse of as I type this! :wall :wall :wall
At least.... the kids have nice weather for half term, the roads are empty and the car park was as well.

"PureGT....where petrolheads go to talk about the weather."



Just kidding :tu
It's been lovely for the last 2 days.. absolutely bucketing it down. I love the rain I do (hate it when it is windy though). You lot are just a buncher of whinging tossers - maybe you should all move to Africa and then complain to the locals that it rained for 2 days in England this week. I'm sure they'll really feel for you. :rolleyes:
