Wot crash ?

Alice R.

Boy Racer
Sorry i could not be here sooner, laptop died.

Has anyone happened to notice the global stockmarket meltdown ?

I seem to recall i mentioned Citybank a few months ago ?

And the writing was there, Gold prices, works of art record sales etc, but no, i was a knob, a doom monger, and all you hot shots knew better.

Now, watch as if by magic, those "long term investment" properties loose 30%, ............you just tell me im wrong now ???
I always thought there was likey to be a correction. I think the point most people were making, Alice, was that a lot of the damage is self propelled and too deep due to people talking the the problem up. These things have a habit of self-servoing and getting out of control by alarmist sentiments spouted from the fringes. That is where the friction occurred. That and your abrasive delivery.

I don't think anybody disagreed that there would likely be a slowdown or reversal in 2008. Some of us have also read the Economist's The World in 2007 and 2008.

Citybank have stumbled and ripples are spreading. How is GE doing?...

Anyway, welcome back. Try and be nice. :yum:
Welcome back Alice:yeah:

Yes, you were right.

Can you tell me whether Tottenham will beat Arsenal tonight?


Commodity markets are flying still - gains every day last week and today is looking good so far :dontknow:

Was out of shares long time ago

Hopefully the £ will weaken further as that's good for me as what we produce is exported

Property matters not at all - I don't want to sell any right now so it's value is not relevant to me :dontknow:

Bring on the recession IMO - I stand to do better out of it
Commodity markets are flying still - gains every day last week and today is looking good so far :dontknow:

Was out of shares long time ago

Hopefully the £ will weaken further as that's good for me as what we produce is exported

Property matters not at all - I don't want to sell any right now so it's value is not relevant to me :dontknow:

Bring on the recession IMO - I stand to do better out of it


I am hung out on the wrong end here! People stop buying flash phones and 'make do' with their (perfectly good!) old ones in a cool down. Not good for my world domination plans! :eek:

I am hung out on the wrong end here! People stop buying flash phones and 'make do' with their (perfectly good!) old ones in a cool down. Not good for my world domination plans! :eek:


VERTU??? any fall off back of trucks lately???:dontknow:
Our usual man has been told to stop, and the sales in Harrods are via a concession who is not up for a deal...

I will find someone. I know who will get some...
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Clive;18346 Hopefully the £ will weaken further as that's good for me as what we produce is exported Property matters not at all - I don't want to sell any right now so it's value is not relevant to me :dontknow: Bring on the recession IMO - I stand to do better out of it[/QUOTE said:
I import from USA and also export to USA, surely you want a strong pound ???..i know i do.

Property matters a lot, particularly in the UK........its perceived rise has fueled this false boom, and now its time to pay.

As for football, thats something for the salt and pepper people to watch, usually because they cant ride a motorcycle ?

I am hung out on the wrong end here! People stop buying flash phones and 'make do' with their (perfectly good!) old ones in a cool down. Not good for my world domination plans! :eek:

In my profession recession leads to increased depression leads to more ££££ for those of us in the private sector :yeah:
I import from USA and also export to USA, surely you want a strong pound ???..i know i do.

Property matters a lot, particularly in the UK........its perceived rise has fueled this false boom, and now its time to pay.

No, I definitely want a weak pound ;) - I export food commodities so a weak pound makes UK product look attractive to world markets

I import bugger all so a strong pound doesn't help me one bit

House price are totally irrelevant unless a) you are buying / selling or b) you have borrowed heavily against the rise in your property over the last few years

In fact I think the rental market may get stronger as people are evicted for defaults on their mortgage they will need to rent or be homeless ??
I have lost £29k on the stock market in January! (it was up at £49k before a late recovery in Jan)


Switched a few funds around so I am less exposed on Equities, and more in Bonds/Cash

My UK Commercial Property fund has gone very pear shaped, so I'll need to just ride that one out!